Monday, 19 March 2012

Feature: Feb- March 2012

Kiboko farmers face KARI
over use of water resource

Massive pump house belonging to KARI along Kiboko River.
Residents and farmers along river Kiboko in Kasuvi sub-location in Makueni County are opposed to continued tapping of water by  the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute(KARI). They say that Kenya Agricultural Re­search Institute (KARI) sub­station at Kiboko is pumping water directly from the main source of river Kiboko.

COMMENTARY: Feb-March 2012

High Court Judges
keep Kenyans guessing
The year 2012 is a great  one  which will defi­nitely change our gov­er­nance sys­tems in Kenya, but I am a worried man, very worried indeed when our learned judges of High Court failed to demonstrate their pa­trio­tism and in­de­pen­dence of judiciary as entrenched in our Con­sti­tution of 2010.

OPINION: Feb- March 2012

The secrets of sex abuse by Nun
lesbians and priests in con­vents

 By Fr Joachim Omollo

As session of the in­ter­na­tional symposium Toward Healing and Re­newal winds up today, we shall look at the book written by Sister Jesme, a former nun from Kerala, which has blown the whistle on the alleged sexual abuse that nuns have to face in con­vents by their fellow nun lesbians.

Editorial Comment: Feb- March 2012

Graft allegations in Fr Makewa
case need to be investigated

SINCE the case against Fr John Wambua Makewa opened in Wote in some three years ago, The Anchor has dutifully reported the proceedings each time the parties participate in the trial.Before the incident became a court matter, it was The Anchor that broke the news that a strange gun drama had taken place at the Parish residence of the priest in charge at the time, Fr John Makewa.

County where party offices are defaced: Feb-March 2012

 County where party
 offices are defaced

POLICE are yet to track a gang that defaced The Independent Party Offices in Machakos a while ago.
Suspicion by TIP officials re­volves around a known gang of Wiper Democratic Party who years ago defaced an office belonging to the Orange Demo­cratic Movement (ODM) at Kathome market along the Nairobi- Machakos Road.

Day Machakos said 'NO' to Impunity: Feb-March 2012

Day Machakos said
'NO' to Impunity

Touts atop a matatu as they protested in Machakos Town
CITIZENS finally recorded a major victory in Machakos after their clamour for justice resulted in the arrest and prosecution of four Municipal Council of Machakos Askaris for the murder of a tout.They include the son of the immediate former Mayor of Machakos Fidelis Kimuyu- Mr Victor Wambua Kimuyu, Jones Mutua, Dominic Nzuki Ndambuki and David Wambua.

Why Magistrate abandoned Fr Makewa Trial: February-March 2012

Exposed:Why Magistrate
abandoned Fr Makewa Trial

Fr Makewa’s  attempted murder trial may have to be heard afresh after the trial magistrate bolted out of the case .Makueni Principal Magistrate Joseph Karanja withdrew from the case after twice postponing delivering a ruling on whether or not to put Fr Makewa on his defence.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

UoN Don's Epic court battles exposed

UoN Chancellor's feuds 
with brother exposed

 Prof Mbithi's epic fight to stop criminal charge unfolds

By Anchor Reporters

Prof Peter Mbithi,(R) the Deputy Vice Chancellor, University of Nairobi at his office
A Kangundo family is reeling under the pressure of a University Don over a family dispute that begun with alleged seduction overtures of his own niece he employed in the University he serves.The row has escalated over time with buildings belonging to a brother of the don being demolished three times in an equal number of years in what is turning out to be a ritual. The drama unfolds complete with intrigues that cement intra family hatred- and they are documented.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Politics: The Anchor February- March 2012

 VP: Friends and foes

 seem set to fail him

By Martin Masai

No matter how one wants to look at, a teaming ensembles of people are baying for the blood of Kalonzo Musyoka for various reasons.They are his close associates, his adversaries in politics, some come from his inner court and worse still they remain unknown in clear terms in the sense of wolves in sheepskin

KCSE 2012 Performance: The Anchor Feb-March 2012

KCSE: A big rebound for Kitui,
Machakos and Makueni counties
By Jonathan Mutiso
THREE counties of Machakos, Makueni and Kitui, for the first time in over 10 years claimed 10 positions among the top 100 schools in Kenya Certificate of  Secondary Education in the County Schools category.The 2012 results marked a resounding comeback of Machakos in particular in KCSE performance.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Main Story: VP hangs loosely The Anchor, February-March 2012

VP's Friends and 
foes act same way

By Martin Masai

No matter how one wants to look at, a teaming ensembles of people are baying for the blood of Kalonzo Musyoka for various reasons.They are his close associates, his adversaries in politics, some come from his inner court and worse still they remain unknown in clear terms in the sense of wolves in sheepskin.
Delicate Balance for Kalonzo Musyoka

The Anchor: The ANCHOR, February-March 2012

The Anchor: The ANCHOR, February-March 2012: How VP's henchmen are writing his political obituary ahead of poll THE much touted prayer-cum-political rally in Machakos and attended ...

Monday, 5 March 2012

VP's men let him down February-March 2012

How VP's henchmen are writing
his political obituary ahead of poll

THE much touted prayer-cum-political rally
in Machakos and attended by four leading
G7 presidential aspirants could turn out to
be the VP’s Water Loo.

Ukambani Counties Do
Well In KCSE
By Jonathan Mutiso
THREE counties of Machakos, Makueni and
Kitui, for the first time in over 10 years claimed
10 positions among the top 100 schools in
Kenya Certificate of  Secondary Education in
the County Schools category.The 2012 results
marked a resounding comeback of Machakos in
particular in KCSE performance.
Precious Blood- Kilungu, with 97 candidates
maintained what seems to be unassailable lead
with a 10.4315 performance index. It held the
sixth slot nationally. Kitui’s St Charles Lwanga
presented 115 candidates was listed at position
27 nationally posted a performance index of
9.6132, followed by Makueni Boys that entered
217 students and scored 9.5561.It was listed at
position 30 nationally.
  Muthale Girls, also in Kitui and listed position 41 nationally after entering 105 girls had
a performance index of 9.3130, with Mbooni
Girls from Makueni County listed at position
54 nationally. It entered 126 girls and attained a
performance index of 9.1262. Machakos School
followed at Position 58 with 211 candidates, attaining a 9.0855 performance index. Machakos
Gils was next at position 84, with 177 girls and
attaining a performance index of 8.8443. Matinyani Secondary was listed at position 86 with
143 students and attaining an index of 8.8280.
Mukaa Boys was listed at position 91 nationally
with 156 candidates and a scor of 8.8053, with
Kitondo Secondary listed at 99th slot  with 210
candidates and a score of 8.7268.
Precious Blood Kilungu who topped the Makueni County attained a mean never attained in
the school’s history.
The school principal sister Mary Joyce said that
this was expected and promised better things
this year as she was carried shoulder- high by
the students as they celebrated
Kerrick Kalaa- being among the top 100 candidates countrywide.

Turn to Back Page
A Kitui West parliamentary aspirant
Ben R.N.Mbai has criticized his political
rivals in the area for dragging politics in
the management of the Kitamwiki Mixed
Secondary School in the area.
Mbai is accused of inept leadership
at the school and failure to lead in the
construction of classes even after he had
been urged to lead the process.
The school has no classes and only
begun constructing them as Term One
opened and without the full involvement
of Mr Mbai. Parents say Mbai has skipped
four BOG meetings called last year and a
meeting called by parents in the school
had to pass a vote of no confidence in
his BOG.
The secondary school operates in
b o r row e d   c l a s s ro oms   o f   K i t amwi k i
Primary School and a local dispensary to
serve its total of slightly over students.
Moreover, an education officer who
declined to be named told the The Anchor
tha t   in one   ins t anc e ,   the  Ki tui  We s t
District Education Board had to approve
minutes purpoted to originate from the
board to secure funding after Mr Mbai
failed to attend BOG meetings for routine
Mbai’s troubles with the school stretch
back to a harambee for the school he
failed to attend but send some Sh 10,000.
Parents are also protesting a demand that
the BOG made to be paid hefty allowances
that the school can ill afford. Former area
MP Francis Nyenze attended and donated
Sh 12,000 and he recently led the school
commi t te e   to   a  Ki tui  po l i t i c i an who
donated Sh 100,000 in a desperate move
to have them raise funds to construct the
However Mbai denied allegations that
his leadership as the learning institution’s
Board of Governors chairman was bad.
This is far from the truth as parents do not
want Mr Mbai at the helm anymore.
Mba i  went  on  “Tha t   a re  ba s e l e s s
allegations by my political detractors
in the area whose aim is to tarnish my
popularity among the school community
and the constituents in general,” Mbai
complained. “We (the school board of
governors) will have already constructed
some enough classrooms and toilets in
the learning institution by the end of this
month,” he said.
 Kitamwiki Mixed Secondary School
was started through the local Constituency
Development Fund (CDF) money in the
year 2009. Mbai alleged that Kitamwiki
Mixed Secondary School and the Kyondoni
Girls Secondary School are progressing
very well under his chairmanship and this
claim can not be verified independently in
respect of Kitamwiki where the situation
is unmistakably deplorable.
 Mbai, who is the Managing Director
o f   t h e   N a i r o b i   b a s e d   E n t e r p r i s e
Development Network (EDN) Company
Limited, claim that he had assisted more
than 400 students from the entire Kitui
County  to  a cqui re  hi ghe r   educ a t ion.
But our investigations indicate non of
the beneficiaries come from Kitamwiki
where he is chairman and poverty dots
the entire school community.
T h e   e n t re p re n e u r - c um- p o l i t i c i a n
claims gives education the first priority
in his development programmes and
assured the Kitamwiki Secondary School
community that he will remain serving
t  h em  a  s   t  h e i r   s c h o o l   B  o G   c h a  i rma  n
effectively and efficiently for the good of
the education.
City trader comes under
pressure over school in
need of leadershipThe ANCHOR, February - March 2012
The ANCHOR is published monthly  by Anchor Media Services P.O. Box 1468 - 90100, Machakos. Tel:020-2103380.,0734822959 Email:-
Journalism of the Future
Muthama has not attended key
Wiper meetings in the last few
months. Instead, he has been
appearing in meetings with
Kiraitu Murungi to prop un the
PNU Alliance party of Kenya.
Once The Anchor asked him why
he was missing these meetings,
Muthama said he was finding
himself embarrassed that he
went with the VP to London to
open a PNU Alliance office and
now the VP was busy building
the Wiper brand   “ I do not want
to be associated with a party that
can not sell outside Ukambani”,
Muthama said at the time. He
missed two meetings held at
Maanzoni Hotel and another in
Yatta, the VP’s new home away
from Mwingi.
Matters have not been helped
by the straight shooting Mutula
Kilonzo- the Wiper Party’s John
the Baptist who invented the
slogan “Wiper” that eventually
became the name of the party.
His clamour for no candidature
for Uhuru Kenyatta and William
Ruto due to the Hague debacle
now proves to be Kalonzo’s
undoing- and he will not stop,
the damage it is doing Kalonzo
The VP’s rivals- Uhuru and Ruto
now openly distrust him and
even as they appear together
in the so called prayer and
peace meetings, they, including
Ka lonzo   rema in  a t  d a g g e r s
drawn in a tempo that seeks to
spill blood at the alter of political
But the worst factor facing the
VP is the backyard mentality.
While other communities have
a   tend ency   to   enc i rc l e   and
empower their own and thrust
him to the national arena, it is
not the same with the Akamba.
For the VP is fighing tooth and
nail to  salvage his past support
at home.
In terms of communal support,
f o r t  u n e s   f o r   M  r   M u s y o k a
have debauched to levels of
desperation that if his arch
rival Mrs Charity Ngilu visits
Machakos today, the VP would
rather skip a national event and
be almost at the same spot the
next day. So bad is the situation
that the VP has been telling
those opposed to him that they
will carry curses across seven
generations “for opposing the
Akamba” (meaning him) and
even vowing to crush whoever
it is in the process.
T h e   m o s t   i n c a p a c i t a t i n g
factor for the VP is his suicidal
configuration- he is surrounded
by hack men whose agenda is
to make quick money- and he
disburses it hastily when they
concoct a threat so that they
can deal with it. Matters have
not been helped by the fact that
he believes in issues that can not
help his ambition to be President
of Kenya.
Observers are watching the
unfolding scenario with disbelief
as this, admittedly is Kalonzo’
best chance to be President
for he comes from the right
community, he holds the most
desirable position of VP has
the requisite experience and
exposure and is working among
a group that is Hague bound and
is First among equals in G7.
Why   t h e s e   f a c to r s   a r e   n o t
working for him may mean he
probably is the wrong character.
Is he?
Stay Anchored!
Delicate balance for VP:
Who wants him out?
From Page 1
From our people,
For our people 92.5 FM
Prof Mbithi edges close to sealing
a deal in raging family feud
From Page 2
Chancellor- Finance and Administration. This is likely
to be what scares him out of his skin.
Even as the drama unfolded, Prof Mbithi made
all efforts to ensure that the media does not cover
the cases. The first efforts were made by his sister in
law who is a former assistant minister. He has done
so successfully because none of the daily press, radio
and TV covers his family feuds. He has made several
efforts to secure a no coverage deal with Mbaitu FM
to no avail and has gone to the  extend of threatening
to take the Kamba vernacular station so as to scare
it into silence.
As we went to press Kangundo MP Nduya
Muthama had waded into the fiasco by agreeing
to be the go between. He held a meeting with Prof
Mbithi and them went to meet  his elder brother-Mr
Mulwa. Incidentally Mulwa says he paid for fees for
the Prof and was his best man during his wedding in
better days before the ruckus over the  entreat on his
daughter escalated.
Muthama returned to meet Mr Mulwa on
February 27 with a proposal for a settlement which
Mr Mulwa agreed to on condition that it must be
executed before any matter in court is withdrawn.
The anchor has obtained some of the terms f the
proposed settlement which we run below.
Muthama’s Mission
“For the first time  Johnson Muthama visited the
family of Joseph Mwanzia on 30th Jan 2012 to get
clear information of what has been happening.  After
getting the information, he and Prof. Raphael Munavu
met Prof. Mbithi on 8th February 2012.  Today the
27th February 2012 Hon. Muthama visited Joseph’s
family to bring the report from Prof. Mbithi.
Those Present in the Meeting;
1. Hon. Johnson Muthama (MpKangundo)
2. Mrs. Charity Chepkonga (DC Kangundo)
3. Mrs. HarriettaWanyama (OCPD Kangundo)
4. Mr. WanderiMwangi (DCIO Kangundo)
5. M r.   Fr a  n c i s  Wa mb  u  a M b  oya   ( C o u  n c i l  l  o r
6. Mrs. Josephine K. Thomas (Chief Kanzalu
7. Michael Ndunda (Reporter Mbaitu FM)
8. Joseph Mwanzia Mbithi (Complainant)
9. Patricia M. Mwanzia (Joseph’s wife)
10. Pascaline M. Mwanzia (Joseph’s Daughter)
11. Fr. Josephat M. Mwanzia (Joseph’s Son)
 It was as follows:
1. Prof. Mbithi accepted to remove the wall he had
built to block the access road leading to their mother’s
compound so that it remains as before.
2. Prof. Mbithi agreed to compensate all the damages
which he and his younger brother Charles have
caused to Joseph Mwanzia’s property i.e. a perimeter
wall, two houses, toilet and bathroom, a weakened
storey building and as well as the maliciously
damaged perimeter wall he caused on the 5th Dec
2009 (Ref Kangundo Police Ob No 23/7/12/2009).
3. Prof. Mbithi to compensate on behalf of his younger
brother Charles for all the medical expenses incurred
for the treatment of Joseph’s daughter Pascaline
Mueni who was shot by Charles with a catapult on
18th October 2011.
4. Prof. Mbithi to compensate for the court expenses
incurred by Teresia Ndunge the daughter of Joseph
Mwanzia in the cases no 1562/2009 and 410/2010
whereby  Prof. Mbithi and Teresia signed a deed
of settlement on 23rd June 2011 to have the cases
withdrawn but Prof. refused to honor the agreement.
Futher to compensate for legal costs of criminal cases
no. 774/2011 and 04/2012 of his younger brother
Charles and his own case no. 05/2012 at Kangundo
5. Prof. Mbithi has accepted to remove all the iron
sheets he had put on Joseph’s perimeter wall.
6. Hon. Muthama Promised to meet the lawyers of
both parties on Wednesday 29th Feb 2012 to draft
the deed of settlement.
7. Proposal from Joseph’s Family is that; In order to
show that Prof. Mbithi is genuine and sincere, He
should go personally to Court on 02/03/2012 and
withdraw case no. 410/2010 where he accused
TeresiaNdungeMwanzia for sending offensive
messages before the judgment takes place.
8. In reply Joseph has accepted these proposals and
said they have to be met fully before he withdraws the
cases touching Prof. Mbithi and Charles Mbithi.”
Stay Anchored!
From Page 3
Mukaa boys a school that used to do good has now come back to the limelight after The school took new direction and changed morals for better
The Principal Mr Francis Mutunga said that the mean
grade achieved of 8.8 is worth celebrating though needs
more efforts since they have by all means to return to
the top where they belonged in the past.
The deputy mr Ndivo Muli said they would do better
this year to topple the  Precious Blood who used to be
behind them in the past.
The giant of Machakos-Machakos  School awoke from
slumber to top Machakos County with a mean score of
9.2 though they had a tough year of misconduct among
the boys to an extend of taking some of the exams from
behind the bars.
The unruly boys of last year shocked many even as they
made a remarkable come back, after scooping the top
position with a margin.
The principal Mr Masaku Muiya said  the boys could
have scored a much higher mean score if they had conducted themselves in a better manner. Masaku added
that the class they have this year is one of the best so
they are expecting to do much better.
Machakos Girls Principal Mrs Florence Mulatya  said
that they do not regret anything but only to praised God
for gaining a much higher mark than last year.
Mbooni girls is facing a tough competition from
mbooni boys after  as they returned to the charts since
they scored a Y after exams were leaked.

Monday, 16 January 2012

The Anchor: Fr. Makewa: Magistrate out!

The Anchor: Fr. Makewa: Magistrate out!: Fr Makewa Trial: Magistrate bolts out By Martin Masai Its back to square one. Fr Makewa''s attempted murder trial may have to be h...

Fr. Makewa: Magistrate out!

Fr Makewa Trial: 
Magistrate bolts out

 By Martin Masai

Its back to square one.
Fr Makewa''s  attempted murder trial may have to be heard afresh after the trial magistrate bolted out of the case today

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Malili: Time for truth


From the Editor
Mr Mutua needs to shed
light on Malili Millions
I have seen that Mr Eric Mutua is candidate for LSK Chairmanship. He says he is set to picket to protect the public. 

Thursday, 5 January 2012

January 2012: Need to develop soccer cited

Need to develop Soccer

By Nicholas  Nyile

Who said Harambee Stars belongs to Gor Mahia, Mathare United,Tuskers FC due to their massive  support from their mother sponsors- East African Breweries Ltd or even soldiers(Ulinzi Stars FC)?This query is rhe­torical and thus needs no answers but a sound action may prove worth to watch than to listen.

Kenyans have become captives of Eu­ro­pean soccer which makes them night walkers when­ever  -Manchester United -is crushing the chest-thumbing Chelsea. Many a time we should think otherwise and commit our re­sources:- time ,finance and technical assis­tance to our siblings so as to talk  of the fu­ture.

I was compelled to defect from Eu­rope to my county when I watched good and or­ga­nized soccer finals on De­cem­ber 11 which was supported by Steve Mbungi (EBS) as an appre­ciation to his promotion to the rank of the Principal Magistrate and which pitted two local soccer rivals: Mwala United FC against Maweli FC (Kyawango Cham­pi­ons).

The game started with high tem­perament with both teams attacking aggressively, but first half went a barren draw. The second half  was the mother of all the battles with Mwala FC Captain Peter “Weche” Muthama scoring in the 57th minute ,then followed a superb header by Cosmas Muisyo in the 77th minute be­fore ‘Cossy’ was on target again  in the 92nd minute to complete his brace which was the last nail to Maweli which endured the humiliation of 3-0 defeat .The victors said that the ‘tit for tat’ game was sweet since they were avenging a loss  of 0-1 results of En­gi­neer Vincent Musyoka Cup Mid this year.

More credit for Mwala FC success was due to their coach, David ‘Fabish’ Mu­tua. Maweli  FC however, dem­on­strated humility and prom­ised to revenge should they meet at the fi­nals of the Nairobi-based lawyer- cum- philanthropist Mr. Ben Musau Cup pro­posed later in the year.

When we looked at the both clubs’ pro­files, we discovered that the two deserve support so as to maximize the hidden youth po­ten­tials. Their records spoke for them­selves because Maweli succeeded Nunga FC as the lower zone champions while Mwala United FC has one of their prod­uct master Odhiambo ‘Diouf’ at the Kenya Premier League club (KCB FC). Mwala again has solid experience of having played with teams like Masii FC, Tala FC, KCB FC –Machakos branch,  Kyulu Boys-the former finalists and runners- up of na­tional sec­ondary school soccer and is proud of having beaten Thika United FC (a KPL club).

January 2012: Understanding Devolution in Kenya

Tasks for your
County Government

Functions of County Governments
1. Agriculture, including—
(a) Crop and animal husbandry;
(b) Livestock sale yards;
(c) County abattoirs;
(d) Plant and animal disease control;
and(e) Fisheries.

The Anchor: January 2012: Verbatin report of Taskforce on Land...

The Anchor: January 2012: Verbatin report of Taskforce on Land...: VERBATIM REPORT ON LAND SCANDAL IN ATHI-RIVER CHAPTER ONE Introduction In the last two years, nu­merous complaints have been made...

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