Tuesday 18 June 2024

Ndeti's cabinet nominee snubs big seat, skips assembly vetting

By Anchor Writer 

Governor Wavinya Ndeti's cabinet nominee for water and irrigation  Elizabeth Katile Mutua has snubbed the appointment.
Kalekye's snub was announced on the floor of the Machakos County Assembly  by Majority Leader Nicholas Nzioka.
Nzioka submitted names of three other nominees who were approved by the assembly without that of the nominee for the water docket.
Assembly sources say Katile, who had been invited to appear before the Assembly’s Appointments Committee along with the three, failed to return papers ahead of the vetting date set for June 10,2024.
They all had been nominated by Governor Wavinya and a notice published for their vetting. They were expected to present their credentials to the assembly for scrutiny ahead of  the vetting. 
Efforts to verify who indeed Katile is did not go far. A search through Google shows a lady with a similar name, having done a research paper at SEKU University on perceived effects of tuition on pupils.
Katile was projected to take over from Acting CECM Catherine Mutanu, who was moved to the Agriculture docket two months ago.
Observers suspect that Katile may have grown cold feet at some point after seeing the raising cabinet blood-letting in Wavinya's 22 month old administration.
Three ministers have exited so far -  Mr. Sky Muasya (Education), Philip Kilonzo ( Lands) and recently Joyce Mwikali Muindi       (Devolution)
The three nominees  approved by the Assembly are
Joyce Wairimu Gituro- Chief Officer - Public Communications.
Dr. Julianne Ndunge Wambua-Water and Irrigation,
and Mr Francis Musembi Munyambu- Inspectorate, Fire Fighting and Emergency Services.
Gituro, formerly a broadcast journalist with Royal Media Services, succeeds Daniel Mule, who quit without explanation. Ndunge also replaced one of the first chief officers under Wavinya to quit.
Munyambu, a former Nairobi police chief, replaced the Col Mbithi Wathi who was moved from the post the day Mwikali was quietly left out of government. She resigned late last month.

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