Tuesday 18 June 2024

Ndeti's cabinet nominee snubs big seat, skips assembly vetting

By Anchor Writer 

Governor Wavinya Ndeti's cabinet nominee for water and irrigation  Elizabeth Katile Mutua has snubbed the appointment.
Kalekye's snub was announced on the floor of the Machakos County Assembly  by Majority Leader Nicholas Nzioka.
Nzioka submitted names of three other nominees who were approved by the assembly without that of the nominee for the water docket.
Assembly sources say Katile, who had been invited to appear before the Assembly’s Appointments Committee along with the three, failed to return papers ahead of the vetting date set for June 10,2024.
They all had been nominated by Governor Wavinya and a notice published for their vetting. They were expected to present their credentials to the assembly for scrutiny ahead of  the vetting. 
Efforts to verify who indeed Katile is did not go far. A search through Google shows a lady with a similar name, having done a research paper at SEKU University on perceived effects of tuition on pupils.
Katile was projected to take over from Acting CECM Catherine Mutanu, who was moved to the Agriculture docket two months ago.
Observers suspect that Katile may have grown cold feet at some point after seeing the raising cabinet blood-letting in Wavinya's 22 month old administration.
Three ministers have exited so far -  Mr. Sky Muasya (Education), Philip Kilonzo ( Lands) and recently Joyce Mwikali Muindi       (Devolution)
The three nominees  approved by the Assembly are
Joyce Wairimu Gituro- Chief Officer - Public Communications.
Dr. Julianne Ndunge Wambua-Water and Irrigation,
and Mr Francis Musembi Munyambu- Inspectorate, Fire Fighting and Emergency Services.
Gituro, formerly a broadcast journalist with Royal Media Services, succeeds Daniel Mule, who quit without explanation. Ndunge also replaced one of the first chief officers under Wavinya to quit.
Munyambu, a former Nairobi police chief, replaced the Col Mbithi Wathi who was moved from the post the day Mwikali was quietly left out of government. She resigned late last month.

Sunday 16 June 2024

County stops staff deployments

By Martin Masai                                 

Machakos County government has halted deployment of staff without the authority of the county secretary Dr Muya Ndambuki.

The clampdown comes as over enthusiastic Chief Officers embarked on frequent tranfers to flex their authority, particularly within the ministry of finance.

" Effective immediately, do not issue any deployment letters until further notice from this office" ordered Dr Ndambuki, who also is the Head of the County Public Service. 

The letter to all Chief Officers went on " Please prepare a report of all deployed officers by your offices from August 2022 todate, including name,  date of employment, position at employment, position deployed as, location, date of deployment (and) name of supervisor after deployment ". The reports were due on June 10, 2024. We were not able to verify compliance with this edict.

The order comes as revenue officers were being moved again after an initial shake-up that followed the employment of over 400 officials.

The order by Dr. Ndambuki comes as nine senior revenue officials of the Machakos County Government are holding their breaths as they end three months without assignment.

Sources within the governor's office say the memo from Ndambuki was initially contemplated when Director of Enforcement Francis Munyambu ordered transfers of 11 enforcement officers within a week of his appointment- meaning he knew very little about the department.

The letter by Munyambu,purporting to be Chief Officer for Inspectorate  Enforcement and Fire Fighting, was curiously signed for him by his son, who, incidentally, is the Deputy Commander of the County Inspectorate!

At the time, the CO'S office was vacant after its occupant- Col(Rtd) Mbithi Wathi was moved to the Innovation docket after a physical encounter with Majority Leader Nicholas Nzioka at the Devolved Units offices.

Dr.Ndambuki the swiftly  appointed Mercy Mutua to act as CO and halted the transfers. A recruitment process for a chief officer is currently under way, and Munyambu, a former Nairobi police chief and senator aspirant for Machakos, is billed to take the post.

The CS sent the memo to halt new deployment as the new Chief Officer for Revenue Collection Zipporah Mutunga, and the new Director of Revenue Otieno Otieno went around the Sub Counties introducing the newly deployed officials.

The nine officials were recalled from their stations without any reason provided. The Anchor has established that Finance Minister Onesmus Kuya had identified them as the reason the county was unable to raise its Kes 4 bn own Revenue target.

" He gave us no reason. He remained adamant that they must go, along with former Chief Officer Mike Senga, so that he has complete control in revenuecollection, " said a colleague of Kuyu who prefers to remain unnamed.

Mr Kuyu told the Anchor that the officials' fate is in the hands of the CS. " He is the one who deploys public servants, not me," he said.

An inquiry by The Anchor at the County Public Service Board found that the county establishment still has the position of Senior Revenue Officers (SROs)- whose role is clearly described. 

This flies in the face of claims by Mr Kuyu in a WhatsApp post to officials that the post and level of SROs (Senior Revenue Officers) has been temporarily suspended.

Since the recall, the role is performed by Ward Administrators and  Coordinators.The cordinators are cadre of political operatives that Governor Wavinya Ndeti is still trying to fit into her government as a reward to their loyalty during her campaigns. 

Both groups do not have any training or knowledge on revenue collection.

Since the recall, one of the officials has since retired.The other officials, who are permanent and pensionable, are also nearing retirement. They await their fate with each new day.Sources say the officials routinely show their faces at the County Headquarters to remind officialdom that they are still waiting out there.

Wavinya's second shuffle in a day

By Anchor Reporter 

Governor Wavinya Ndeti today executed a second reorganisation of her government,  just hours after the first one.

It was her third action in 'reorganising' her government within two months, a clear indication of  a stability deficit in the 19- month old administration.
In the latest move, the governor swapped Chief Officer Medical Services Dr Wycliffe Miyienda with Roads and Transport Chief Officer Mr Justus Kasivu.
No reason was given for the movements that are seen as disjointed and haphazard.
Earlier in the day,Wavinya appointed Mr Kasivu as Acting Chief Officer for Climate Change in changes that affected four other Chief Officers, leaving one- Maureen Mwende who was suspended for 10 some two weeks ago- jobless.
The Anchor has established that the new movements come as Ms Mwende was awaiting a response to a Show Cause Letter that accused her of missing critical meetings and failing to show leadership as Chief Officer for Education. 
But yesterday's list of a ' reorganised government listed her as outgoing ECDE Chief Officer.
So what exactly led to her suspension?
How many meetings did she miss, and where were these meetings?
So was she the Education or ECDE chief officer? 
 The Anchor is piecing together an explosive account of the actual reasons for her suspension.
Read the earlier story elsewhere in this online edition of The Anchor 
Stay Anchored!

Tuesday 11 June 2024

ABC Prelate expells Wiper MCA

By The Anchor Writer

Nominated Wiper Member of the Machakos County Assembly  Dee Kivuva was on Sunday excommunicated from the African Brotherhood Church.
Dr. Timothy Ndambuki
Dee was expelled from the church following his public appeal  last week, targeting the top hierarchy of the church against rampant demands for money from its congregations.
The forum - a burial ceremony for Machakos trader Jimmy Kathuli - was also attended by local leaders and clergy.
He pointedly urged the ABC church followers to warn the top leadership on the issue of asking for money so often.
Dee is an outspoken MCA and a long-term active member of the church whose wife is a high-ranking minister of the ABC.
Last sunday, the Church's Archbishop Dr. Timothy Ndambuki did not disguise his rage towards  Dee's utterances, which were made last Wednesday. 
He termed these utterances as a show of disrespect to the church and its leadership and swiftly declared that Dee had been excommunicated.
The church has an elaborate process it follows to excommunicate its members , and it appears that this may not have been followed. 
It exposes Dr. Ndambuki's rising intolerance to criticism at a time observers are murmering against a spirited scheme to install his wife, who presided over the burial, as his possible successor. She is currently the ABC Bishop of Nairobi.
Archbishop Ndambuki went further to fire a salvo at the Wiper party, saying Dee's behaviour is characteristic of the party, adding that his personal matters were at some point discussed by some members of this party, whom he did not name. He cited this as a reason why he does not get along with Wiper these days. 
He left the congregation wondering if the excommunication was based on broken church rules, political or just parochial. 
Dee is known as Kalonzo Musyoka's hatchet man, and it is most likely that the jibe against Wiper is aimed at the top party brass.

Makueni Wiper MCAs oust entire leadership


By Our Reporter. 

Disruptions today marred Makueni County Assembly proceedings following  the Wiper Party leadership row in the Assembly. 
Mr Mbilu

Drama  unfolded in the chamber  as  the drastic changes were made by majority Wiper Members in Makueni Assembly who ousted Majority Leader Kyalo Mumo and his entire  team
Kithungo Kitundu  Ward MCA Kisungu  Katete was elected  new Majority  Leader  as Ilima Ward MCA Bishop  Jonathan Muthoka replaced Kilili Ward MCA Francis Munyao alias Musso as Deputy Majority Leader.
Joyce Mutua,a nominated MCA, was elected new Whip while Kathonzweni MCA Benedict Maneno elected deputy Majority Whip. 
The new team served the Assembly Speaker  Douglas Mbilu with the new changes. 
Speaking to The Anchor, the new team accused the outgoing team of nepotism, corruption, and missuse of power. 
In addition, they accused the former leadership of dining with the UDA party and going to bed with Makueni  executive.

Monday 3 June 2024

Riot as tout dies in county office

By The Anchor Writer 

The Machakos County Inspectorate is on the sportlight again today after a tout committed suicide in unclear circumstances in their office.

The room in which the tout died

This is the second incident putting the inspectorate officers on the spot this year,with the  first incident being an attack to the Kalama Legislator Musyimi Maeke at the Machakos Courts premises.The matter that is still in court.

Askaris at Machakos bus park area arrested the tout earlier in the day  for unspecified reasons.

When the tout was last arrested,he protested,saying that the next time he is arrested, he would commit suicide.

His colleagues allege that the askaris habitually detain the tout and release him without any charges, and they are therefore not surprised that he dramatically kept his promise today by taking his life.

It is alleged that he used his belt as a noose, and his trousers dropped off as a sequel. 

It is mysterious how he managed to commit suicide in a room where the askaris use as a resting area as well as a base.

The door to the room is directly at the back of askaris, who lift off the barrier to let out matatus after confirming that they have paid daily fees.

The tout who has been working in this area for a long time is on record, claiming that the inspectorate officers here have been harrasing him.

Pandemonium broke out at the park with irate residents demanding  to know  why the deceased was arrested and the procedures  used to process his case.

Touts started searching for an Askari named Tyson, who is said to be the one behind this.

By this time,the Askaris vanished as police used tear gas to disperse protestors.

Machakos County Secretary Dr.Muya Ndambuki told a media briefing that he has interdicted the officer in question,adding that investigations are underway.

Dr Ndambuki 

This comes as the Inspectorate is in search of a new Chief Officer after the previous one Col. Wathi Mbithi,was removed after a fight with the County Majority Leader Nicholas Nzioka.

Informed sources say the Director of the Inspectorate Francis Munyambu has been fingered by Governor Wavinya Ndeti to be the next Chief Officer. 

Sunday 2 June 2024

Battle over land rages

By The Anchor Writer

A sweeping investigation is underway at the Department of Lands following the suspension of three officials over fraudulent approvals and suspected rampant corruption. 

The public notice
The officials- Hilda Ngina Mulatya, a Surveyor Assistant III, Antony Maingi Wambua- a Planning Assistant II, and Joel Kieti Francis a Works Officer 1  were suspended and a public notice published in a local daily warning citizens not to transact county business with them. 
The Directorate of Criminal Investigations has netted a cache of over 200 documents with signatures of approval by the suspended officials that have enabled fraudsters to grab private and public land in Mavoko Sub County where they were based.
The signatures have approved building plans,payment of understated rates,construction of perimeter walls and other allied requirements that ought to earn the county government millions in revenues. 
The officials, though relatively junior, are alleged to have transacted various lucrative approvals for that ought to have been approved by their superiors- a matter that exposes the county's accountability actions on land transactions. 
To demonstrate the extent of their powers, a 183 hectares- designated as Mavoko Dumping Site within Mulinge Scheme- was approved for construction of a perimeter fence by one Omar Haji Hassan. 

   The plan for Mulinge Scheme 

It was after the fencing that the County Government of Machakos moved in and demolished part of the wall, triggering a daggers-drawn setting that underlines the state of matters at the Department.
The spirited fight has set cartels treading their guns on Lands Minister Nathaniel Nganga.
It transpires that Hassan had approvals by Mr Wambua, acting on behalf of the County Director of Physical Planning Mr. Ingati Ajanga.

Our sources say the extent of land fraud in Mavoko- targeting public land - is deep rooted and well connected- from brokers, officials, MCAs, through to operators in the governor's office. The currency of the fight is cash, driven by a get-rich-quick mantra. 

The impact of the approval given to the Mulinge Scheme property resulted in giving Hassan the impetus to present a title suspected to be fake, pay rates for the property, construct a fence arround the 183 hectares and begin to behave as bona-fide owner. 

This also comes with extremely reduced rates that are informed by bribes that reach and sometimes skip players in the entire value chain. 

 We have also established that the bold cartels are fighting a decision to centralise approvals for building plans in Mr Ingati's office- a decision made by Mr Nganga- which is fueling the fight, even when the move was made to avert the raging fraud. 
The suspended officials have disowned the signatures that are on the documents under DCI scrutiny.If then it turns to be true that the signatures are fake, it is alarming that land gangsters have toppled order within the Machakos County Government.It may also turn out to be that corruption officials forge signatures of their colleagues to outdo one another. 
 The entire saga is punctuated by big money, sex and brinkmanship,with players dropping names such as that of one 'Prince Charles' to attempt to sway the probe and transfer officials who impede operations along the crooked path.
 The Anchor was told of a trail of sms with texts that have been sent to Governor Wavinya Ndeti, accusing other top officials of sex entreats and complicity in land fraud in Mavoko.

 The investigation is also targeting the lifestyles of the officials who have acquired big properties and live large despite earning salaries in the range of Kes 40,000. Land under investigation includes blocks set for public utilities such as schools, hospitals and Social halls.

Thursday 23 May 2024

Updated: Wavinya's night party with full list of participants

See who partook of the night's dinner at Kinanie County Lodge

By Anchor Staff Writer 

Could it be that Governor Wavinya Ndeti has thrown her cabinet and chief officers under the bus?  The Anchor questions.

 Gov.Ndeti during Ruto's US trip

This appears to be the case.  Attendees of an informal caucas  called by cherry picking by Majority Leader Nicholas Nzioka went home with the conclusion that Wavinya was fed up with her appointees and wanted MCAs to deal with them at the assembly.

The caucus  was held at Wavinya's Kinanie residence on  Thursday night. 40MCAs attended the meeting. 16 others who were not invited did not attend. The numbers display the existing divide in the Machakos County Assembly.

Invitees were called through a personal phone call from Nzioka that told each MCA ..." that the governor wants to see you" and proceeded to disclose the day,time, and venue.

Each of the attendees only discovered it was a larger meeting upon arrival at the residence. 

Their host began with banter on rumours of a contemplated impeachment motion against her, following mounting questions over her ability to deliver her 'Chakula Mezani,Pesa Mfukoni' manifesto. Concerns are mounting over mounting corruption over tenders with what is becoming an open secret that a 10 per cent payment must be made upon the granting of every tender in the county. 

Matters have not been helped by the turbulence and infighting in her executive that has seen the unceremonious departure of 8 top officials.

Multiple sources that spoke to The Anchor say Wavinya did not present a clear agenda for the meeting  but seemed keen to cool the tensions about her administration among the MCAs and to deflect attention to her executive. 

But the county boss took the opportunity to draw the performance of her ministers and chief officers to the leaders, saying that their poor performance had let her down and contributed to the hue and cry in the County. 

Though the meeting excluded her ministers, her Finance Minister Onesmas Kuyu, County Secretary Dr Muya Ndambuki and Chief of Staff Lawrence Ngovi attended. The trio represent her kitchen cabinet though all do not always read from the same script.

MCAs complained that ministers snubbed invitations for interrogation about their actions or non action. But an attempt by Dr Ndambuki to defend them was rebuffed with a boo and Wavinya supported the MCAs.

She stressed to them that it is within their powers to summon and impeach the county executives and added that she felt let down by them. She did not explain why she cannot take action as the appointing authority- and observers suspect she may have no fire left in her belly to take action.

The sources say the governor surprised the leaders when she insinuated that her party boss Kalonzo Musyoka will not be on the presidential ballot  but would instead enter into a deal with President William Ruto.

She is alleged to have explained that talks over Musyoka's fate was the reason she was  joining the president during his current US visit to firm up the conversation.

However, it is instructive that Wavinya flew out of the country a day ahead of Ruto's departure, and is on Ruto's entourage along with Governor Anne Waiguru and Gladys Wanga.

The governor took her guests round her upcoming County Lodge, served them with dinner and fueled their vehicles with between Kes 50,000 and 70,000 each, depending on their relationship with her.

The Anchor presents a list of all e members  of the Machakos County Assembly and how they related to the invite to Governor Wavinya to her Kinanie home.

Those who partook of the night's dinner at Kinanie County Lodge

1.  Stephen Nzue Mwanthi- Ekalakala

2. Nicholas Kitavi Nzioka -Machakos Central. 

3. Judas Mbili Ndawa  - Matuu

4. Raphael Nzau- Matungulu West.

5 Paul Musila- Ndithini

6. Daniel Muindi - Muthesya

7. Francis Kitaka- Ndalani

8. Paul Mwanzia - kithimani

9. Fredrick Kitetu- Ikombe

10. Felix Ngui -Katangi 

11. Brian Kisila- Mwala/Makutano

12. Justus Kasanga- Wamunyu

13. Charles Mbuva -Kangundo West 

14. Jackson Ndaka - Tala

15. Vincent Mutie -Upper Kaewa

16. Dominic Ndambuki-  Kathiani Central

17. Benjamin Kyule - Lower Kaewa

18. Phillip Kitoo- Mitaboni

19. Johana Munyao  -Mutituni

20.Eric Wambua- Kola

21.Dominic Maitha- Muthwani

22.Daniel Ndwiki -Mlolongo/Syokimau

23. Jeremiah Kaloi- Athiriver.

24. Francis Kavyu- Kinanie/Mathatani

MCAs not invited and who would not attended even if invited. 

1. Joshua Mwonga -Masinga Central 

2 Alphonce Mutinda - Kivaa.

3. Paul Wambua-   Kibauni

4.  Peter Kilonzo - Mbiuni

5. Boniface Katiti -Muthetheni

6.  Douglas Musyoka  - Masii

7.  Evelyn Nzeki- Kangundo East 

8.  Mathew Ndunda  -Kangundo North 

9.  Dickson Maundu- Kangundo Central

10. Julius Munywoki - Matungulu East.

11.  Grace Bahati -Kyeleni

12.  Mathias Muasya- Matungulu North 

13.  Francis Ngunga -Mua

14.  Boniface  Maeke -Kalama

15.  Joseph Mulinge -Muvuti/Kiima kimwe

Nominated MCAs who attended Wavinya's night bash

1.Rosina Kanini

2. Annastaciah  Mutevu

3. Catherine Mutio

4. Lyoid Mutua

5. Fariha  Abdi

6. Catherine  Wambua

7. Irene Mulu

8. Hellen Ndeti

9.Constance Mbula 

10. Mercy Njagi

11. Phoebe  Mawa 

12. Rose Wavinya

13. Mary Kituku

14. Peninah  Kisangai

15. Winfred Mutua

16. Ruth Wanjiru

Nomited who were not invited 

1 Margaret Ndalana

2. Caroline  mutuku

3 .Ann Ndilo

4 .Dee Kivuva.

Stay Anchored!

Sunday 19 May 2024

Updated: End of an era for Machakos traders as Kyuli dies

By Anchor Staff Writer 

The last of towering Machakos businessmen,Mzee Nason Kyuli Mbuvi has rested.He rested peacefully on May 3, 2024 at 11.00 pm.
     Nason Kyuli Mbuvi 1930-2024

He of the Safari Lodge fame and fabled Elliots and Broadways Bread distributor was accorded a warm and befitting final farewell at his home in Emale where he was laid to rest on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
He departs many years after his business peers- Mutisya Kinothya, Musau Mwania, Muteti Kitolo(Kiembeni), DL Mulila, Karsandas Tulshindas, Harillal Nandram(Ila), Philip Kivuvo, David Iseka(Kalimani), Jones Maingi, Philip Nzuki, Juma Mutunga, Samuel Musembi(Nzambani), Peter Maundu Munuka, Aaron Makau(T.Tot),Paul Mbole, Gideon Mbole,  Gideon Kitulu, Tom Suvi, Kimatu Mbuvi, John Kiilu Mosa, Stone Kathuli Muinde,Joel Mbithi, Muindi Kitolo, Abraham Yavi Katuba(Katuba's), and Peter Mulei just to mention afew who have predeceased him. There certainly are one or two other traders who are still alive but are much younger than Mzee Kyuli, such as Jonah Malika and Samuel Kamwele. 
The family of Mzee Kyuli eulogised him thus;
"Nason Kyuli was born on or around 1930 at Muthwani, Yandue location, Lower Mbooni in what was then Machakos District.  He was the 4th born child to the late Mbuvi Ngui and the late Malinda Mbuvi. His siblings were the late Kavulu, the late Mativo, the late Mutua, and Kavithi. His step brothers are Mutungi, Mutune and Nzioki.
Early life
Nason was brought up within the larger Mbaa Ngui family that eventually settled in the beautiful land now known as Imale village. Later, his father, Mbuvi Ngui, moved temporarily to Kyawango, Mwala but Nason came back and lived with his uncle Mwania Ngui. His father came back and settled in this village (Kiliku) just about 500 meters from this place.
Nason was enrolled in the Army where he learned to drive. Upon finishing his contracted service in the early 1950s, he returned home and joined his cousin, Musau Mwania, in business. He served as a driver and shortly moved on to greener pastures still as a driver at Akamba Bus Service where his cousin was a director.
While serving at Akamba Bus, his business mindset lead him to team up with his brothers, the late Mutua and Kavithi to set up a shop at Tawa Market which was run by the two brothers as he continued his driving career.
Nason later joined his brothers in running the business which quickly expanded with the late Mutua moving to Tala Market and Kavithi to Kangundo Market. Kavithi is still in Kangundo todate.
As the country attained independence, Nason,  Musau and the lthau family grabbed the new opportunities which were coming up at Machakos town.
 First Africans 
 They started and were among the first Africans to operate wholesale and distributorship shops in the town. Nason managed the enterprise until 1970 when he went solo after acquiring his own business premises in what is now lkuuni Hotel in Machakos Town.
He also started a Hotel (Safari Lodge) and his signature business in bread distributorship. He started distributing the famous Elliots brand and later became a leading distributor of Broadways Bread to this day.
Nason was married to the late Beatrice Muvya, Ruth Syomwai and the late Elizabeth Kalekye.
Together they were blessed with 12 children namely Kimatu, Syombua, Muthike, Malinda, Mutheu, late Musyoka, Jogoo, late Mukonyo, Wavinya, Kaluki, Juma, and late Nora. He was father in-law to Miriam, Terry, Zipporah, Miriam, late Josphat Kakuli, Mwanzia Kawasya, late Simon, late Nzioki Mulei, late Christine. 
Nason was also father to Mutuku, Wambua, Alex, Mbula, Mbinya and Mulei.
He was further blessed with 36 grandchildren, 24 great grandchildren, and 1(one) great, great grandchild.
Christian Life
Nason was a devout Christian and a faithful member of the African Brotherhood Church(ABC). He and his family participated in church affairs both  at home and in Machakos.
Nason, though well endowed was led of God to live a simple life. A man, not of many words but a very good listener. His was a Christ-led character that earned him lots of friends of all walks of life who he respected and had time for.
Illness and demise
Mzee Kyuli enjoyed a robust health till old age caught up with him.He started enduring age related complications about 9 years ago.He battled with old age heath conditions for all that period under the care of his son Mutyango (Juma) till his demise.
Nau, we loved you and we will continue to love you. We know you have rested in the Lord and we are certain that we will meet you again in heaven. You will be dearly missed by all.
Psalms 147: 3. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
 Juma's outstanding care of his father drew him accolades from family members.The family also thanked the various doctors who tirelessly attended to him during his illness. The family also appreciated Gregory Kyalo and David Mbuvi who were his caregivers. 
Editor's Note:
The list in this story is not exhaustive.The Anchor is open to reader comments  or write-ups that could enrich this historical perspective of these unsung departed heroes. 

Friday 17 May 2024

Miyienda, Muindi quit Ndeti's government, push toll to 8

By Martin Masai

TOP members of Governor Wavinya Ndeti's Government have resigned in the past one week, bringing to 8 the number of suofficials to exit.

Joyce Mwilali Muindi, the minister Wavinya dropped unceremoniously after a fight in her office shot a resignation letter to the governor,formally relieving herself of the turmoil existing in the cabinet. 
The other resignation is that of Dr Wycliffe Miyienda, a former personal doctor of Governor Ndeti. Dr. Miyienda, a medic in his own right and previously seen as untouchable, was removed last week as  Chief Officer for Medical Services to Chief Officer- Roads. After handing over to his successor, Mr  Justus Kasivu he headed to the County Secretary's office to deliver his resignation letter, which is largely seen as a rebuff to the governor and a clear indicator of unrelenting turmoil in the 19- month government.  A confidant of the former Marter Hospital consultant told The Anchor that the medic was baffled as to what he would be doing as Roads Chief Offficer after spending much of his life treating people.
Ms Muindi's last posting was as Minister for Devolution. She was left hanging after Wavinya effected a reshuffle that moved  former Water Minister Catherine Mutanu to be Substantive Agriculture minister but left her acting in the water ministry!
Ms Muindi was replaced by Dr Joel Nzomo, who previously held the Agriculture docket. No reason was given by Governor Ndeti. Her last public engagement was spectating in a fight between Majority Leader Nicholas Nzioka and Chief Officer Col (Rtd) Wathi outside her DU offices.
They join the ranks of ministers- Sky Muasya who resigned and Philip Kilonzo was was dismissed. Other COs who have quit include Mr Paul Wambua(Urban Development),Daniel Mule( Public Communications), the currently suspended Ms Maureen Mwende( Education) and Joseph Munyao- the man who used fake UoN degree to win a job in the County. 
As we went to press, the  fate of  Maureen Mwende   remained unknown after a reshuffle that left her out of government, again without any explanation. 
Sources say her fault was failure to deliver a 10 per cent cut to her superiors from a Kes 20m tender she had allocated the previous day. It is alleged that all allocated tenders accrue a 10 percent cut once a letter of award is delivered. Proceeds are then delivered at a specified place and recorded for 'accountability'
The Anchor will name the players in the unfolding saga after comments are obtained from them.
The reshuffle last week was Governor Ndeti 's second in as many weeks- reorganisation of  government,  just hours after the previous first one.
The governor swapped Chief Officer Medical Services Dr Wycliffe Miyienda with Roads and Transport Chief Officer Mr Justus Kasivu.
No reason was given for the movements that are seen as disjointed as they are haphazard.
In the same day that Wavinya appointed Mr Kasivu as Acting Chief Officer for Climate Change, she transferred him from  Roads and made him Chief Officer, Medical Services.
 The new movements come as Ms Mwende  awaits a response to a Show Cause Letter that accused her of missing critical meetings and failing to show leadership as Chief Officer for Education. 
But the last list on record that is held by The Anchor lists her as an outgoing ECDE Chief Officer.
So, was she the education or ECDE chief officer? Or was she both?
So what exactly led to her suspension?
How many meetings did she miss, and where were these meetings?
Sources say Minister's spend the Monday preceding her Tuesday suspension at the Governor's Kinanie home.
The governor spent the day holding personalised meetings with each minister and respective chief officers.
Her turn,together with her minister, was moved to the next day. Both left Kinanie at night.
Mwende drove herself to Machakos but hit a motorbike at Kyumbi. She allegedly informed her minister, Dr Consolata, that she was required to report to the traffic police at Kyumbi, so she could not report to the governor's homestead on Tuesday. 
The next day, she spent the day resolving the traffic matter. Little did she know her job was on the line at Kinanie.
What's going on in Governor Wavinya Ndeti's government?

Wednesday 15 May 2024

County waives Kes. 48b arrears


 ln Numbers
Penalties Kes. 47.B
Arrears  Kes. 436M
The Parcels- 13,000

By Martin Masai, Editor/ Publisher

The Machakos County Government is waiving Kes 48 billion being arrears for land rates and penalties since 2008.

Governor Ndeti

The waiver was approved by the County Assembly of Machakos after a report was tabled by the Chairperson of the Finance and Revenue Collection Committee of the Assembly Mr. Francis Kyalo Kitaka   who is the MCA for Ndalani Ward.

The report followed a request for waiver by the County Finance Minister Onesmus Kuyu. The minister said the waiver was part of the Wavinya Ndeti administration’s strategy to hit its revenue target of Kes. 4 billion “The overall aim of the waiver is to raise more revenue for the County and help the County Government meet its target of Kes. 4.0 billion for the FY 2023/2024.” Said Mr Kuyu in his petition to the assembly.

Machakos County has land rates arrears and penalties totaling to Kes. 48 billion as at January, 2024, comprising of land rate arrears of Kes. 436 million and penalties of Kes. 47.564 billion.

“For, clarity, the CECM was intending to waive the interests and penalties amounting to Kes. 47,564,000,000 on outstanding land rates and also waive fees charged for registration of plots / parcels of land,” said a document seen by The Anchor. The waiver period was scheduled to run for 1 month from May 15(today) to June 14, 2024 for penalties and interests on land rates including fees charged for registration of plots / parcels of land, though the actual dates had not been firmed up by the time of going to press.

However, a list of the defaulters whose arrears are to be waived as not provided to the assembly. The County Executive Committee Member informed the Committee that, the number of plots is based on the information gathered from the Nairobi and Machakos land registries. The parcels are owned by residents and non-residents of Machakos County and some have multiple of parcels of land. The Anchor was informed that the list is composed of the high and mighty in the county, including politicians, lawyers, judges, MCAs, teachers and influential business people.

The waiver covers 13,000 parcels of land whose bio data is captured that is part of the 55,000 parcels registered in the County. The registration has been through persons who have volunteered to register with the revenue system but the information is not complete. This is the reason why the Department was issuing was waiver to encourage registration. There is an estimated 2million parcels of land in the county.

Some of these arrears date back to 2008 when the last valuation roll was done. The Department is in the process of finalizing another valuation roll and spatial planning where all land records will be digitized.

While an explanation was not provided why a government in dire need to revenue had accumulated the staggering arrears, Kuyu told the assembly committee that this was in spite of the fact clearance of land rates was a mandatory requirement for all land transactions such as land transfers and sub-divisions to obtain a clearance certificate before approval.

The assembly was informed though, that the responsible officers at lands had been put on notice to comply with this requirement and the directive was being implemented. Public participation of the Waiver was carried out by the Department of Finance, Economic Planning, Revenue Management and ICT- using Social Media instruments of the county including the website but there were zero responses. It puts to question whether can be claimed that there was real public participation.

The Committee observed that reasons stated for the waiver and the jurisdiction are within the mandate of the County Government.

The committee insisted on the necessity for the County Government to enforce payment of land rates and registration of plots / parcels of land at the point of exchange or trade of the properties to significantly reduce these arrears.

The waiver aims at encouraging those who have arrears on land rates to pay and those who have not registered their plots and parcels of land to do so. The County aims also to increase its revenue collection through the activity. The waiver is a two – pronged strategy to raise revenue, coupled with a call upon those who have not yet obtained certificates of occupation or the necessary approvals for their buildings or construction projects to do so during the period of the proposed waiver.

The waiver is the first to be issues under Governor Wavinya Ndeti. The County has not previously issued a waiver on penalties on irregular and informal developments before, leading to accumulation of large debts on property owners who continue to default on payments.

However, the initiative may be seen as a double edged sword. While the county plans to use to waiver to encourage payment of land rates arrears that land owners have been unable to pay due to high penalties and interests accrued, it will also bring more land owners to the full view of the county revenue framework. True, the waiver encourages land owners in Machakos to register. But these details will enable the authority to capture ownership details for future billing and levy of land rates and other property charges.

The waiver will be applicable to the entire area of jurisdiction of Machakos County Government. The records on lands / plot registration show that there are over two (2) million parcels of land in Machakos County. Out of these only 13,000 parcels of land have their bio data captured by the County Government while 55,000 parcels of land are registered.

The proposed waiver calls upon owners of the unregistered parcels of land to register their parcels with an offer of waiver of plot registration fee as a motivation. This exercise of plot registration will help the County enlarge its data base records of land owners as well as help update the existing records and make easy for the County to bill in the future.

What is most worrying for the county is that the arrears, penalties and interests for property owners have accrued above the value of the properties.

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Wavinya shuffles Gvt- Again!

By Anchor Reporter 

Governor Wavinya Ndeti today shuffled her government for the second successive month,sending a signal about the stability of her administration.
                   Mr Senga
In the deployments that affect five chief officers,Wavinya left out suspended chief officer for Education Maureen Mwende  from the new postings that dislocated long serving Revenue Chief Officer Mike Jace Senga to Citizen Engagement.
           Ms. Mutunga

In April, Wavinya quietly left out Devolutuion Minister Esther Mwikali Muindi in a restructuring that saw Joel Nzomo made DU minister and Water Minister Catherine Mutanu  appointed substantive Agriculture CECM to replace Dr. Nzomo. She remained acting Water Minister. 
Today, Wavinya, in a dispatch from County Secretary Dr Muya Ndambuki moved Ziporrah Mutunga to Revenue from Climate Change, made Transport, Roads Chief Officer Justus Kasivu acting CO for Climate change, moved Bernice Kioko from Tourism to ECDE. The Governor moved Col. Gideon Wathi Mbithi for the second time in as many months- this time landing at Tourism from the Innovation and Industrialisation docket where he was moved to after a physical encounter with Majority Leader Nicholas Nzioka at the DU offices. The retired naval officer was previously Chief Officer for Inspectorate and Emergencies.
Also moved was  Bruce Isika, who replaced Col. Wathi at Innovation department. 
Though the changes are effective immediately,
Dr. Ndambuki ordered the affected officials to hand over and move by Monday, May 13.
The letter left confusion lingering as to who is the CO education. While Maureen was the substantive Education CO, two weeks ago, today's list  shows she is moving out as ECDE Chief Officer.
Observers see the changes as a big win for Finance Minister Onesmas Kuyu, following the edging out of Mr Senga. Kuyu initially and personally transferred Mr Senga last year in a mass transfer that he initiated targeting all revenue officers. It is now seen as victory for Masinga sub county where Kuyu and Ms Mutunga come from. While Mutunga hails from Kisaani village,Kaewa in Kivaa ward,Masinga Subcounty
Kuyu hails from Kithyoko,Kivaa ward,Masinga Subcounty. 
It is unbelievable how Wavinya wants to manage her administration by keeping such a key docket in the hands of people from same area.
Observers see her future role as that of a stooge- completely an alien to revenue collection approaches and management. The
actual work, the observers believe, will likely shift to ICT and infrastructure  office and other officials who have been baying for Senga's exit since Wavinya retained him from Governor Alfred Mutua's government. So revenue bleeding and shortfalls will escalate,rather than abate.

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Updated:Questions as Governor Wavinya suspends Chief Officer

Ex teacher swiftly forced out 

By The Anchor Reporter

 Ms. Maureen Mwende, the Chief officer for Education has been suspended.

She becomes the 4th Chief Officer to leave  Governor Wavinya Ndeti's administration even if temporarily. Her exit comes within weeks of the departure of Decentralized Units Minister Joyce Mwikali Muindi who was excluded from a cabinet reshuffle that left her replaced by Dr Joel Nzomo.

Ms. Maureen Mwende

She was sent home in a rumbling communication to her by the County Secretary Dr.Muya Ndambuki headlined: "Notice to Show Cause"

The memo is believed to have been authored at the behest of Governor Wavinya,  given the latest trends in the county.

 The memo accuses the ex teacher of failing to attend critical county meetings and failure to to provide direction as Chief Officer. No specific reason was cited in her 'failures'. She was then required to show cause why administrative action should not be taken against her. It concluded by asking her to "proceed on suspension till further notice".

Yesterday, the Chief Officer for Vocational Training Mr Stephen Mutua was appointed to act as Chief Officer for Education.

So what reasons heralded her suspension?. Last Tuesday, Mwende skipped a meeting with Governor Wavinya as she attended to an accident she was involved in at Kyumbi Police Station. It was a carry over meeting from the previous day where her turn to brief the governor in the company of her minister Dr Consolata Mutisya aborted at the Governor's Kinanye residence.

It is unknown what exactly transpired at the briefing she missed. Rumours about her suspension begun swirling in the County shortly after the meeting but it was not until Friday when the memo reached her.

So what grave mistakes did she commit,grave enough to trigger her suspension and not clear enough to be clearly stated?

How many meetings has Mwende missed; what are the decisions that are pending as a result of her alleged failure to give directions as Chief Officer?

Updates coming. Stay Anchored.

Monday 22 April 2024

Clampdown on trips amid fraud

How officials swindle
in fake,inflated trips

By Martin Masai

Exclusive- April 22,2024

Governor Wavinya Ndeti has put emergency brakes to all travel bonanza  placing Machakos as the third highest traveller county.

Dr Ndambuki 

This comes after an internal memo signed by the County Secretary Dr. Muya Ndambuki.
He prohibited all domestic  and foreign travel with immediate effect. Travel and funding will not happen without his express authority, said the terse memo.
The memo
The memo, sent to Chief Officers, Secretary/ CEOs and County Solicitor and copied to all county ministers, chairman of the County Public Service Board Mr Arbanus Mutisya and the County Attorney is dated April 9,2024. It reached Gov Ndeti's office on April 11,2024.
The memo tells the County Finance Department not to process expenses and allowances for "any officer" without his authority. 
Observers see the move as an effort by the governor to rein in rougue expenditure tendencies by the finance department. 
Previously, the County Secretary and Head of Public Service did not seem to know who was going where, when and whyPreviously, the County Secretary and Head of Public Service did not seem to know who was going where, when and why- a major weakness, if not failure for any administration. Not anymore. The directive,if enforced will bring sanity in the county travel expenditure management at a time when the Wavinya administration is under focus for deployment of most of its resources on recurrent expenditure rather than on development.

It means that all trips by ministers, chief officers, directors, and officials of whatever rank are dead at least for the time being, unless authorised by Dr Ndambuki.
Though the memo never mentoned the fate of pending claims, it puts to question payment of genuine and fraudulent travel claims estimated at over Kes 400m that are pending across all government departments.
The most notorious are domestic travel claims that provide officials with a low lying fruit for income outside the salary framework. Many officials, both junior and seniors have competitively and routinely abused this loophole with full knowledge of the administration.
An official choked by the practice told The Anchor, "The Rot is so rampant that 3 officials travelling outside 50 kms inflate the claim by adding 7 other officials and pushing it from Kes 200,000 to Kes 700,000. When it is eventually paid, the money goes to other fake people, and the genuine claimants remain waiting.
The source explained that besides adding names, officials add more days to the trip to fatten the claim.
The practice is done with connivance with influential officials such as directors and Chief Officers, who sign memos as authority to pay.
The claims, some genuine, are many and are lying in every finance department.  Finance officers pay claims where they have an interest like being listed as a claimant who never went for the trip.
Multiple sources say genuine claims take long to pay, waiting for months. Some made last year are still pending while others genarated two weeks ago have been paid
The source said the most notorious departments are Office Of the Governor( OOG),the Governor's Delivery Unit,(GDU)the Protocol Office, and the Department of Agriculture. In some instances, memos sent to the Finance Office in each department dissappear. Junior officers who have to take local training trips  use their own money, yet other non-essential trips for bosses are paid without delay. " The situation is so grave that the juniors have nowhere to raise their grievances because their bosses are their very tormentors."
The clampdown on the trips however raises crucial issues; will there be an audit to verify genuine and fake claims? What action will be taken on authors of fictitious claims? Just what is the role of auditors within the government system? Did they have to wait until the Controller of Budget raises the red flag?

Sunday 21 April 2024

Contempt case for Chief Officer in Kes 88m World Bank tender

By Anchor Reporter 

Governor Wavinya Ndeti's Urban Development Chief Officer Collins Adipo Otieno is enduring  damning contempt proceedings case over a controversial Kes. 88 million World Bank project.
wholesale market road

The case may see him jailed for contempt of court and using his own resources to pay for the contract he granted against court orders.The project also incorporates a solar lighting component. 

The case was filed by Seluk Investment Limited, a firm of contractors that initially won the tender for upgrading of wholesale and retail markets loop roads, St.Mary's Girls Primary to KWFT link Road in Machakos Municipality. 

On February 21,2024, Adipo awarded the tender to Hayaty Enterprises Limited in contravention to a stay order pending determination of substantive Judicial Review Application. Pleadings filed in court say : "However,in total disregard of orders of this Honorable Court, the 1st Contemnor(Adipo) have decided to proceed with the procuring process and have issued an Award to Hayati Enterprises Limited/ Mashteck Limited(JV).

It  states that the works had already started,which is a deliberate effort to render the case nugatory and a blatant effort to defy court orders.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Wavinya seeks new chief officers

By Martin Masai 

Governor Wavinya Ndeti's government has advertised positions for Chief Officers, days after leaving out her Devolved Unit Minister in a stealth mini cabinet shuffle. 

Today, she put up for grabs the post of Chief Officers for Inspectorate, Fire Fighting and Emergency Services,
Public Communications and Sewerage and Sanitation.
Last week, Wavinya, in communication from County Secretary Dr Muya Ndambuki, left out DU minister Joyce Muindi from a list of ministers shuffled from office. Catherine Mutanu was moved to Agriculture while Joel Nzomo was taken to Devolved Unit from Agriculture.Mutanu will however continue to act as water minister. Ndeti also moved the Chief Officer for Inspectorate,Fire Fighting and Emergency Services Col(Rtd.) Gideon Wathi Mbithi to Trade Ministry to serve as Chief Officer for Innovation, hours after a fist fight with Majority Leader Mr. Nicholas Nzioka. 
While both separately denied the scuffle, eye witnesses said the officials were pulled apart amid a fierce exchange of blows.
Wathi replaced another chief officer, Joseph Mutwiwa, who left under a cloud of fake papers.
Days earlier, Chief Officer- Public Communications Mr. Dan Mule Lemba  threw in the towel for yet unexplained reasons.
The last Chief Officer for Sewerage and Sanitation was Paul Muwili Wambua, and not Ms. Winnie Musyoki as earlier,and regrettably,  indicated. Wambua reportedly quit the post in stormy circumstances. The post is now held by Water Chief Officer Mr Yunis Guliye on Acting basis, notwithstanding hue and cry about 80 dams that allegedly consumed over Kes 300m, without evident commensurate works being carried out.
Nearly a week after the quiet reshuffle that left Joyce Muindi floating, Governor Wavinya has remained silent over her act, notwithstanding public anxiety, especially in Matungulu, over Ms Muindi's fate and many others who leave unannounced. 
As we went to press, Governor Ndeti had not responded to The Anchor's  enquiry about the appointments and neither did the County Secretary pick or return our calls. 
The public is left wondering what happened at the DU offices that forced the exit of two top officials on the same day - one to another office and the other to the unknown. Was it just the fight?
A day after Col. Wathi's departure,  former Nairobi PPO Francis Munyambu, was introduced as Director of Inspectorate, Fire Fighting and Emergency Services - a post that was neither advertised nor filled competitively. 
Sources privy to his recruitment say he wields powers previously executed by the Chief Officer - yet he had not been vetted by the Machakos County Assembly.
Observers are watching keenly to see if Munyambu will apply for the advertised post and therefore subject himself to scrutiny. 
Staff in the department are waiting to see how Munyambu will run the department where his son- Jackson
Wambua Munyambu is the Inspectorate's Deputy County Commander.
Wathi's departure from the office leaves a great deal of unfinished enforcement issues in the municipalities where staff,MCAs, and government officials, including ministers, are fighting to occupy empty spaces with kiosks
Informed sources also tell of an "impossible working environment" for the exiting and future Governor's Communications Chief Officer.
The communications team has close to 100 staff members who include journalists,bloggers, keyboard trialists, social media influencers, and other loyalists who only take orders from undisclosed officials. Some are placed in ministries where ministers use the to manage their social media pages. 
According to the Governor, the media function is domiciled in Finance Minister's office, the all too powerful Mr.Muia Kuyu.
"For one to succeed in that office, one needs to succumb to the reigning disorder, see no evil,hear no evil. But be always ready to take the blame when matters go southern, " said an official in the governor's office.

Tuesday 16 April 2024

Nduva named EAC Secretary General

Veronica Mueni Nduva is the new Secretary General of the East African Community (EAC)
       Ms. Veronica Nduva

Nduva, now serving as Principal Secretary for the State Department for Performance and Delivery Management at the Ministry of Public Service.
The changes were revealed through a letter dated April 15 and signed by Cabinet Secretary for EAC Peninah Malonza.
Malonza announced that President William Ruto had changed his mind about nominating Mwende Mueke as
EAC Secretary General.
The appointment is contained in a letter  to EAC Affairs Chairperson Deng Alor Kuol.Malonza said Ruto had decided to vary the nomination of Ms Mueke.
"Further to our letter Ref No EAC 4/CONF./2/ Vol. 21(57) of March 15, 2024, informing of a Presidential Action nominating Ms Caroline Mwende Mueke for appointment as the new Secretary General by the Summit, in accordance with Article 67 (1) of the EAC Treaty; we write to inform you the President of the Republic of Kenya has varied the nomination of Ms Mueke to the position of the EAC Secretary General," the letter reads in part.
"The Republic of Kenya now presents Ms Veronica Mueni Nduva for appointment to the position of the Secretary General of the East African Community."
Mueke had been appointed to replace Peter Mathuki.
Mathuki, dodged by corruption allegations at EAC, is poised to take up another diplomatic job as Kenya's Ambassador to Russia.
Nduva will be the third Kenyan to hold the post after Francis Muthaura, who served from 1996 to 2001, and Mathuki (2021-2024).

Day in court for suspects in Makindu minor's defilement case

By Robert Muuo in Makindu 

Court proceedings for two elderly men for allegedly defiling a school girl and forcing an abortion opened in Makindu Law Courts today.
     Muthoka the Senior Nurse

The accused, The Chairman of the School's Board of Management  Mr Peter Mutuku a.k.a. Ngiti and a Senior Nurse at Makindu Level 4 Hospital Mr. Benjamin Muthoka presented themselves in court for the mention of their case involving a minor from Kyaani Secondary School  in Kibwezi.
           Ngiti, the BOM chairman

Ngiti, the main suspect in the defilement case appeared before Makindu Principal Magistrate Mr. Evans Mbicha.The Magistrate adjourned the case  till July 30, 2024 to allow the ODPP- represented by Ms.Melorene Njoki more time to avail more statements on his case.

Muthoka, who is charged with the abortion offence on the minor appeared before Principal Magistrate Mr.Benson Ireli for case mention and his case. It  was adjourned to May 7, 2024.
The two suspect where charged with different offences under Section 8 of the Children's Act.

Friday 12 April 2024

UPDATED: Minister left out in Wavinya's mini cabinet shuffle

By Martin Masai

Machakos Devolution Minister Joyce Mwikali Muindi is missing from Wavinya Ndeti's cabinet in a quiet reshuffle, The Anchor has established.
The new postings were made personally to the affected officials through the County Secretary Dr. Muya Ndambuki. 
Efforts to obtain comment from Governor Ndeti did not succeed since she remained mute on the matter.
            Ms. Muindi
The shuffling has seen Water Minister Catherine Mutanu moved to Agriculture ministry while Dr Joel Nzomo was moved to Devolved Units. Water ministry sources say Mutanu did not hand over to anyone and will most likely act as Minister for water until Governor Wavinya makes up her mind on whom to appoint. 
Her appointment as substantive Agriculture boss is a signal however that Mutanu is leaving the water docket that has been immersed in controversy over dams said to have been paid for without tangible works being done.
Mutano yesterday afternoon reported to her new office and introduced to senior staff
             Ms. Mutanu 
We also established that Chief Officer Col Wathi has been moved from Inspectorate and Emergency Services to the Department of Innovation in Trade Ministry to replace Joseph Mutwiwa Munyao, who was removed for using fake certificates from the University of Nairobi. 
                  Col. Wathi
The Anchor also learned that the Governor's Communications Chief Officer Mr Dan Mule resigned a week ago. He did not respond to a request to confirm circumstances leading to his sudden departure.
Muindi's departure comes after witnessing a scuffle at her Department between Majority Leader Nicholas Nzioka and Col Wathi last Tuesday.
Her departure also comes hot on the heels of open disagreements with Col Wathi over mushrooming of illegal kiosks on any open space in the Machakos Municipality.  
News of the changes remain hushed.
Dr Ndambuki and Mr. Munyambu 
Early yesteday, the County Secretary (CS) Dr. Muya Ndambuki introduced former police officer Francis Munyambu as Director of the Inspectorate and Emergency Services. 
As director, Munyambu is escaping vetting by the County Assembly.  Neither was his position advertised and competitivel filled as per the law.
Those privy to the appointment of the former Senator Aspirant for Machakos say he will wield powers of Chief Officer. Munyambu has previously held position of Commander of Nairobi Metropolitan Police after being appointed by former Governor Evans Kidero.
Dr. Ndambuki convened a consultative Inspectorate Departmental Meeting at the D.U Headquarters. It was also attended by Mercy Mutua - Chief Officer of Administration and Decentralized Units, Mr. Francis Musembi Munyambu - the new Director of Inspectorate, Fire Fighting, and Emergency Services, Mr. Samuel Ngila - Machakos County Commander alongside his Deputy, and all Sub-County level Commanders.
Munyambu will head a unit where his son is serving as a senior commander.
More to follow.

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Updated: County bosses in fist fight at Decentralised Unit offices

A fist fight between the Majority Leader Nicholas Nzioka and Chief Officer Colonel(Rtd) Wathi broke out yesterday at the Decentralised Unit offices.
Col. Wathi with Gvn. Ndeti
The scuffle occurred at midday as Mr Nzioka confronted the retired Navy Officer over the impounding of two vehicles next to National Intelligence Service offices in Machakos Town.
Mr Nzioka
Those who witnessed the fight said Wathi hit Nzioka to the ground after a fiery altercation and name-calling.
However Nzioka did not answer an invitation to comment on the fight. The majority leader did not respond to our message and thrice failed to answer phone calls on his mobile phone. The Anchor sent sms message to both combatants thus:[09/04, 10:53 pm] There was physical fighting today at DU..(Wangondi vs Colonel). Is this true? Let me have your comments. Nzioka later sent a message to The Anchor saying:" Maybe, just maybe you need to tell one, just ONE success story" and did not respond to the fight. On his part Col.Wathi replied:" This is not true. The fellow came around intimidating me and I told him off. Honestly am not of his type and class and am not comfortable with law breakers who come leave their areas of work to attack others in their offices. This confirmed there was a scuffle but the Chief Officer did not admit punching the MCA for Machakos Central ward to the ground. 
Nzioka arrived at the DU offices to seek release of two the vehicles belonging to people alleged to be repesentatives of Asian Quarters owners. They had visited the Lands Minister Nganga wa Ngangani protesting that their land issues had taken long to resolve. While in the minister's office, a complaint was raised from the NIS offices that their two vehicles had blocked the office, forcing the intervention of Col Wathi.
Wathi called a breakdown that carried the cars to the DU offices. It is not known how Nzioka came to the DU offices to force the release of the cars. It is as the minister for Devolved Units was releasing the vehicles that Col Wathi arrived.
He confirmed to The Anchor that Nzioka had phoned him to inform him that he required the vehicles released. 
He'll broke loose when Wathi and Nzioka came face to face with one another. On lookers say name calling took center stage as Nzioka menacingly pointed at Wathi and soon, Nzioka was seen sprawled on the ground. Officials pulled them apart but each made frantic calls to Governor Wavinya Ndeti to raise complaints against one another.
Informed sources say Col Wathi has been protesting that his minister has been meddling with his duties, making his enforcement role extra difficult. 
More to follow 

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