Sunday 21 July 2024

Impunity marks official's rise to capture the CPSB

By The Anchor Writer

The recent dismissal of Lawrence Nzau Ngovi as Chief of Staff has exposed deeper issues within Governor Wavinya Ndeti's administration, highlighting ongoing power struggles and corrupt, bad governance actions.
        Ms. Juliana Mutisya
Ngovi's removal follows months of infighting, with  the County Secretary Dr. Ndambuki Muya and Finance Minister Muia  Kuyu reportedly at odds with Ngovi. Accusations that Ngovi leaked sensitive information about alleged deals involving the Governor and her son, Charles Nzuki Oduwole, have fueled these conflicts.
One significant case illustrating the turmoil involves one  Juliana Ndunge-Mutisya, a Deputy Director of Administration who is swiftly rising through the ranks, thanks to unlawful acts of Dr. Ndambuki.
On June 26, 2023, the County Secretary deployed Juliana from her role as Deputy Director of Administration to the County Public Service Board. The move has created turmoil at the board, making it the newest battleground in the county government.
The CPSB is an autonomous entity of the county, complete with its Chairman and Commissioners approved by the County Assembly. 
By law, the CPSB recruits and appoints its staff and those of the county government, including the County Secretary, so there is no cirmustance where a CS can transfer, dismiss or appoint anyone to the board. 
Upon landing at the board, without any board resolution, the next day, the CPSB Chairman Mr Albanas Mutisya appointed her as Acting CEO to the Board, a position she holds with additional allowances. She was to act for six months but is still in office past the stipulated time and shooting from the hip!.
She was instantly upgraded from Job Group Q to R. Mutisya also granted her an Acting Allowance- 20 percent of her basic salary until a board Secretary is recruited.
In January 2024, Dr. Ndambuki renewed Juliana's contract, indicating her continued prominence within the county's administration.
Sources reveal that Juliana is being groomed for the CEO's role at the Public Service Board, despite not meeting a crucial qualification: applicants must not be current public officers.
Insiders say Juliana is most likely going to emerge top among those shortlisted as the Selection Panel is likely to overlook factors set by the law that lock her out of contestation.
She was among officials dismissed from the National Gender and Equality Commission(NGEC) for falsifying board minutes, though she was later reinstated by the court.
This maneuvering suggests a broader effort to control the County Public Service Board.
Since Juliana's arrival at the CPSB, approximately 1,000 new staff members have been employed without interviews being conducted. 
Most of those employed retirees, illiterate and individuals without basic education credentials. The Anchor is gathering data on names and source of names for those recruited.
As this unfolded, the CS moved 20 employees of the board and subsequently placed them on leave, raising concerns about the board's independence and the integrity of employment practices in the county.
This comes as Senior Revenue Officers remain unassigned for months, after action sanctioned by Mr Kuyu, yet the Controller of Budget is warning that the county may not meet its projected revenue targets after missing them since taking office 22 months ago.
The trend has sent panic across the county public service, sending productivity to the lowest levels ever at a time when county residents are demanding more in terms of development from Governor Wavinya Ndeti. 
What stands out is the level of procrastination in the Wavinya administration. While Ndambuki has ordered action against 122 county workers alleged to have dubious papers, Juliana has been signing off appointments of hundreds of staff who are never interviewed, some octogenarians and many more being paid while at home!.
Critics argue that these claims distract the county from more pressing issues, such as the reported hiring of retirees and unqualified individuals, while thousands of young, qualified job seekers in Machakos remain unemployed.
The Machakos County government faces mounting pressure to address prudent deployment of county resources and restore trust in its leadership. Citizens are increasingly frustrated by the lack of transparency and accountability in virtually every action.
Efforts to obtain comments from the county government have been fruitless. 
Nevertheless, The Anchor will continue to provide updates.

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