Friday 19 July 2024

Why Wavinya axed Ngovi

Ngovi loses power truggle
as Ndeti finally ditches him

By The Anchor Writer

In a significant shake-up, Governor Wavinya Ndeti's Chief of Staff, Lawrence Nzau Ngovi, has been officially relieved of his duties.
                 Mr Ngovi

The announcement, made public by County Secretary and Head of Public Service Dr. Muya Ndambuki, states that Ngovi's dismissal is effective from July 19, 2024.
"He is no longer authorized to transact any business on behalf of the county" was the final nail on his coffin. 
An analysis of the terse lines seems to imply that Ngovi may have been transacting business in the name of the County and it may not be surprising to see his exit published in the daily newspapers to underline how scathing the fight has been.
Ngovi's ousting comes after months of intense infighting within the governor's office. The power struggle involved Finance Minister Muia Kuyu and County Secretary Dr. Muya Ndambuki on the one hand and Ngovi and Health Minister Dr Daniel Yumbya on the other. Kuyu has been the most visible and has been working under increasingly difficult conditions for the past six months.
He becomes the latest casualty in this ongoing battle for control of influence and resources around Governor Ndeti. Ngovi joins a growing list of officials who have either quit or dismissed from the 22 month old administration that seems to be far from stable.
Matters have not been helped by official overreach by Dr Ndambuki who has executed mass staff been transfers from the County Public Service Board even when he has no lawful authority to do so, a clear case of incompetence.
Sources close to the Governor's office say Ngovi is accused of  allegedly leaking sensitive information about deals said to involve the Governor and her son, Charles Nzuki Oduwole.
Social media has been awash with lists of multi million properties the Governor is said to be developing,  including Mwaitu Plaza and County Lodge- next to her home where she holds consultative meetings with her top officials.
Sources say Wavinya herself has scolded Ngovi over the claims. He denied such claims.These accusations have made him a target for factions within the administration seeking to consolidate power and oust him altogether. 
Bad blood between Ndeti and Ngovi has been so intense that she has not set foot at her White House office for nearly one month. Recently, the governor oversaw the swearing of three new Chief Officers at her Mavoko offices at an event that Ngovi was not invited. But yesterday, as Ngovi's dismissal letter went out, the governor returned to hold a cabinet meeting at the White House.
The situation escalated further with recent demonstrations in Mitaboni, where protesters highlighted alleged corruption and questioned property developments linked to the Governor. The protests brought to the forefront accusations that wealth, supposedly funneled from the county government, was being used for personal gain by the Governor and her family. Critics are placing Charles at the center of the governor's liaisons,including attending cabinet meetings, and influencing key procurement decisions even when he bears to official status.
Insiders report that Ngovi has been scapegoated for various issues, with his opponents pinning every mishap on him to solidify their positions. As the dust settles, the office remains fraught with tension, leaving many to wonder who will step into Ngovi's role and whether the power struggle will finally come to an end.
Residents of Machakos County are closely monitoring these developments, pressing for transparency, accountability and prudent use of public resources. Further updates will follow as this story develops.
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