Saturday 31 August 2024

Why a dark cloud hangs over fate of CO Mutunga

Why CO cannot be in office 
yet he quit or was interdicted

By The Anchor Writer

THE FATE of Governor Wavinya's  Chief officer for Cooperative Development Anthony Mutunga Mutuku remains unclear even after The Anchor established that the official had been interdicted.

Mr. Anthony Mutunga

His interdiction has been looming for over a month since he was asked to account for close to Kes 10m Our sources at the Cooperatives ministry say the cash- initially some Kes 11m had been set aside for a Coffee Research project.

When the 14 day notice he had been given by the County Secretary Dr Muia Ndambuki elapsed, the CS interdicted him and required the lawyer CO to account for the money.

Sources close to Mr. Mutunga say at this time, he contemplated quitting his job or even taking legal action to save his name. 

The grapevine has it the cash in question has been reducing since part of it - Kes 5m-was handed over in cash to a top county official who we cannot name until the official responds to a query over the alleged hand-over. It is also said that  a close relative of the top honcho was handed another Kes 2m- a practice that county officials say is a routine practice in the Wavinya Ndeti administration. We have not been told who and where the cash was handed over.

These below -the- desk transactions must have slashed the money by Kes 7 m and observers wonder how corruption money can be accounted for without incriminating bosses up and downwards.

It is alleged that close to Kes10m is unaccounted for and if this is the actual situation, one can see why the money will never be accounted for since those who collected the money appear to be 'County Untouchables'

Read Also :

It is also rumored that Mutunga is interested in vying for Matungulu parliamentary seat come 2027, increasing pressure upon him that greets officials with political ambition who are seen as future challengers to the powers that be in the county.

But as word went round that Mutunga was out of the county government either through resignation or interdiction, adding to what is seen as mass exodus from the Wavinya  administration, a spin was added to his departure. The spin was that he was quitting due to "... Pressure to transfer Ksh. 67 million to Wavinya to cover her expenses during a foreign trip. The funds were reportedly demanded for "upkeep"" This claim remains unsubstantiated.

As this posting on the social media went viral, The Anchor can authoritatively reveal that  the viral post caught the attention of Governor Wavinya and she re-shared it among her top officials, triggering an effort to push back the allegations by Wavinya's handlers. 

Later in the day, a rare Press Statement, in fact, the first in the Department of Cooperatives was issued saying " My attention has been drawn to baseless and malicious propaganda post circulating on various social media platforms  alleging that I'm no longer in service with the County Government of Machakos." The statement added " For the avoidance of doubt, the said post is baseless, malicious and ill intended to malign the great reputation of H.E the County Government of Machakos(Sic) and myself. The same should be treated with the contempt it deserves. I remain steadfast in discharging my duties and responsibilities for the benefit of the people of Machakos County"

Observers believe that the statement attributed to Mr. Mutunga was either drafted by officials in Wavinya's government to save face and if it was indeed signed by the CO, it may have been an act of treading horses between him and the county government. Communications Chief Officer  Joyce Gituro told The Anchor that Mutunga had neither resigned nor been interdicted.

It cannot be out of nothing that Mutunga was asked to account for money, an act that was followed by a letter of interdiction, followed by the claim Kes 67m to support Wavinya's trip abroad. 

Be that as it may, the truth is that Mr Mutunga cannot have resigned, been interdicted or remain in office all at the same time; That there is a murky story being hidden is not in doubt. Only time will tell.

Your unstoppable next Secretary to CPSB

The Machakos Assembly has no history
of rejecting any unqualified nominee

By Martin Masai,
Editor/ Publisher

Just as reported in The Anchor, the meteoric rise of one Juliana Ndunge Mutisya seems unstoppable.
On August 26,2024, the Machakos County Assembly vetted Juliana for the post of Secretary of the County Public Service Board even as she stood infringing one requirement for the job.
Juliana Mutisya
It comes as no surprise because the Machakos County Assembly has a record of approving unqualified people for appointment to various county positions- meaning that it is increasingly becoming incapable of discharging one of its mandates.
The Anchor has a record of unqualified nominees who have been approved by the Machakos County Assembly.
Juliana was recruited as a Deputy Director of Administration- Job Group Q- for a 5 year contract on June 5,2023. and has swiftly hopped to the top of a key organ of the county government.
To illustrate the speedy rise, County Secretary Dr Muya Ndambuki, quickly set the upward mobility for Juliana exactly 21 days after she was hired.
On June 26, 2023, she was catapulted from her role as Deputy Director of Administration, a position to which she was appointed with 18 others, and posted to the County Public Service Board.
CPSB is an autonomous entity of the county, complete with its Chairman and Commissioners approved by the County Assembly. By law, the CPSB recruits and appoints its staff and those of the county government, including the County Secretary, so there is no circumstance where a CS can transfer, dismiss or appoint anyone to or from the board that hired him or her. 
Mrs. Rose Mwanthi
Upon landing at the board, without any board resolution, the next day, the CPSB Chairman Mr Albanus Mutisya appointed her as Acting Secretary to the Board, a position she holds with hefty additional allowances. She was instantly upgraded from Job Group Q to R. Mutisya also granted her an Acting Allowance- 20 percent of her basic salary until a board Secretary is recruited.
Dr. Ndambuki, apparently responding to concerns by Mutisya that her contract acted to save her. So on January 15,2024 the County Secretary decreed in a letter this " I hereby renew Juliana Mutisya's contract as the Acting Secretary to the board for a period not exceeding three months from the date of this letter, or until the board substantively fills the position, whichever comes earlier"
Three months later, Juliana's contract had ended and the position of the Secretary had not been filled.
Explaining the reasons behind the delay in filling the post, the CS wrote to Mr. Mutisya thus " In view of the above then, I request the board to consider reviewing the contract of Mrs. Juliana Mutisya P/N0, 2023924529 to act for a period not exceeding three months from the date of expiration of her contract" The CS who on January 15,2024 renewed Juliana's contract was the same one requesting for the extension of the same contact in April 12!.
Be that as it may, the C Selection Panel put together to recruit the board Secretary announced a vacancy for the post through a public announcement on Thursday June 20, 2024, calling for qualified and interested persons to apply.
Among the many requirements set for the applicants was that one should not be a Public Officer. It meant that anyone applying for the job should not be an employee of not just the Machakos County Government, but the entire Kenyan public service.
Mrs. Mutisya applied and appeared before the panel on July 7, 2024, when she still had an active contract as Acting Secretary to the board- meaning she should not have been shortlisted by the panel, let alone getting audience before them. During her vetting, she was asked to provide proof of resignation and she provided a resignation letter.
She tendered her resignation on July 9, 2024, writing to Dr. Ndambuki " This letter is to inform you of my decision to resign from the Machakos County Public Service as a Deputy Director Administration." She gave a one month notice, meaning she would exit the employment at the end of August 2024.
Mr Mutisya told The Anchor that she has since tendered her resignation to him from the post of Acting Secretary. Mrs. Mutisya did not respond to an inquiry from The Anchor why she opted to resign from the lesser position and the fate of the contract as Acting Secretary.
She appeared before the assembly for vetting on August 26, 2024. As we went to Press, the Assembly Committee on Appointments had retreated to Nairobi to prepare a report about her vetting.
Juliana was vetted the same day with Mrs. Rose Kamene Mwanthi, the CECM nominee for Water, Irrigation, Climate Change and Environment. The committee will be presenting a report with recommendations to the whole House for consideration. Rose, a banker by profession from Kyamwilu, who is leaving her position at Family Bank will be taking over the water docket from Catherine Mutanu, the current minister for Agriculture.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Anxiety in Kathiani as Wavinya names Kasivu acting health boss

By The Anchor Writer

Governor Wavinya Ndeti has appointed Medical Services Chief Officer Justus Kasivu to act as Health Minister. Mr Kasivu will temporarily replace  Dr. Daniel Yumbya  who quit office three weeks ago.

                   Mr Kasivu

 appointment comes as Kathiani Sub County watches with abated breath to see who will take positions previously held by area residents or who will be next to exit.

Wavinya has purged her Chief of Staff Lawrence Ngovi, and former Lands Minister Philip Kilonzo within 23 months. Though Kilonzo hails from Mavoko, there is a tendency to view the sub county  as part of Kathiani the Constituency from which it was hived off.

She has put on perennial suspension Chief Officer Maureen Mwende and pressured Yumbya to resignation three weeks ago. The first minister to quit her government was Sky Muasya. They all come from Kathiani and their replacements come from elsewhere.

That most of those who have left come from the same area, it has left tongues wagging over the governor's possible beef with Kathiani.

Kasivu will combine this role with that of CO, a manifestation of the confidence the governor has in him to run the two offices simultaneously as she mulls  over the person to succeed Dr Yumbya.

Kasivu flexed his new muscle last weekend when he signed a letter to all senior staff who include Directors, Medical Superintendents and Sub County Medical Officers of Health(MOHs) where he warned all staff to cease operating  pharmacies while still in service of the government.

'"All county employees within the Department of Health are therefore directed to cease operation of Pharmacy outlets while engaged in active employment with the County Government of Machakos," Mr. Kasivu said.

The Acting Minister raised concern that several departmental workers had opened pharmacies, whose operations were presenting a conflict of interest. It is believed that such staff are the cause of wanton theft of medicines procured by public hospitals that find their way in the outlets.

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Petitioners act against land grabbing in Mavoko

By The Anchor Writer

Sabaki Residents Association has petitioned the County Assembly of Machakos to intervene against actions to re-plan and allocate land and stop the County Lands Minister Nathaniel Nganga from interfering with a parcel of land LR. 26699/27, public utility land in Sabaki, Mavoko County.

Speaker Anne Kiusya
The Speaker Anne Kiusya has committed the petition to the Lands and Energy Committee to report back to the Assembly within sixty calendar days. The petitioners’ want the assembly to resolve 9 grievances against the County Executive's alleged infringement on their land rights.
Petitioners seek an urgent resolution of the matter and the likely loss of public land if no action is taken as a priority. They want the assembly to investigate the matter and stop the CECM from interfering with public utility land within Sabaki Estate without consulting them.
They are also seeking assembly help to preserve their public utility plots in having them used for their intended purposes. Sabaki Residents Associations are also seeking help to reclaim any other plots that may have been illegally allocated, appropriated, occupied, developed, transferred or grabbed.
The petitioners are also calling on the County executive to "undertake comprehensive, meaningful and all-inclusive public participation in all matters relating to public Land"
They seek to "impress upon the County Executive, particularly the CECM for Land, Housing Urban Development and Energy to exercise executive power in accordance with the law by ensuring transparency, openness, accountability and proper use of public office in the administration of public land"
The petition requires the "County Executive to work with Sabaki Residents Association to identify, consolidate, document, title, safeguard and protect all public utility land within Sabaki Estate to the utilized for the intended purposes", rather than going at it as a lone ranger in a property where the locals have a bigger say.
They are also seeking an audit of all development plans within the county to ensure that they have been done legally and procedurally, to meet the people’s needs are coherent and in line with progressive development plans and aspiration and take any remedial measures.

Friday 2 August 2024

Turmoil in Ndeti's Government sees the fall of fourth minister

By Martin Masai

Turmoil in Governor Wavinya Ndeti's government continued to unfold today with the abrupt departure of the ultra loyalist minister- Daniel Yumbya.
It is a significant blow  not just to wavinya but indeed to the county's already fragile healthcare system that Yumbya has propped since his appointment 23 months ago.
Governor Wavinya acknowledged the resignation this evening in a two paragraph statement she personally signed, thanking him for his services to the County.
Dr. Yumbya quit today as County Executive Committee Member for Health, becoming the fourth minister to exit. He now joins Sky Muasya who quit and later followed by Joyce Mwikali Muindi and Mr. Phillip Kilonzo who was dismissed. 
A handful of Chief Officers have resigned, the latest being Dr Wycliffe Miyienda,who was Yumbya's Medical Services Chief. That a Health Minister and Medical Services Chief Officer have resigned almost within one month is indicative of a terminal epidemic with the government.

Dr. Yumbya has faced mounting challenges since February in his bid to show stability in the county's hospitals, which have been plagued by a series of debilitating issues.
Hospitals across the county are in disarray, struggling with a myriad of problems ranging from dysfunctional mortuaries, a severe shortage of medical equipment and a critical lack of medicine, not to mention disgruntled staff.
The situation has been exacerbated by demoralized healthcare staff and the closure of intensive care units (ICUs) due to rampant shortage of materials for use.
Hospitals are on record for running without food for patients- a situation that Yumbya has categorically denied and put up shows of a well functioning system.
Insiders speak of a minister cornered not just by his own denials but also by also by  corruption networks that oscillate across the entire government and are underpinned by cutthroat psychophantic. 
A doctor reacted to Yumbya's resignation saying " It's a welcome, move considering he never listened to anyone even on technical matters". Yumbya holds a honorary doctorate degree.

His resignation is the latest in a series of high-profile departures of officials from Kathiani sub-county. His exit  Comes closely on the heels of Mr. Lawrence Ngovi,Wavinya's Chief of Staff, who recently dismissed during a cabinet meeting. This departure marks the sixth individual from Kathiani to leave their government posts in recent months, underscoring the turmoil within the government. 
Others are Mr Kilonzo,Mr Mutunga and suspended ECDE Chief Officer Maureen Mwende.
The departures will complicate Wavinya's politics and relationships in Kathiani Subcounty with its significant representation in her government being whittled down.The cumulative effect of these resignations has raised concerns about the stability and functionality of the county's leadership, especially in managing critical sectors like healthcare.
See earlier story here
Residents and healthcare workers alike are expressing their frustration and fear over the deteriorating state of medical services. "We are facing a healthcare crisis of unprecedented proportions," said a senior nurse who wished to remain anonymous. "The lack of essential medical supplies and equipment, coupled with the loss of experienced leadership, is a recipe for disaster.
"The resignation of Dr. Yumbia, a figure seen by many as a potential stabilizing force, leaves the county's healthcare system in an even more precarious position. With ICUs shut down and hospitals struggling to provide basic care, the urgency for effective governance and immediate remedial action has never been higher.
As the county searches for new leadership in healthcare, the pressing question remains: who will step up to address the healthcare crisis and restore order in the beleaguered hospitals?
The need for a comprehensive strategy to revitalize the healthcare system is critical to ensuring that residents receive the medical care they desperately need.

Yumbya's humiliating exit

By The Anchor Writer 

Governor Wavinya Ndeti's   management intrigues heralded the departure of her ultra loyalist minister- Dr. Daniel Yumbya late on Thursday. 
        The Yumbya Leaks
The Anchor can now reveal that Dr Yumbya read writings on the wall hours after the ouster of Chief of Staff Mr. Lawrence Ngovi last week.
It is the culmination of a scathing, dramatic power struggle that now  leaves Governor Ndeti, her Finance Minister Onesmus Kuyu and her son- Charles Nzuki  he who has no official role but is an all too powerful lad and a permanent attendee to cabinet meetings-  in the middle of the theatre.
On Thursday last week, Yumbya got classified information that the Deputy Governor Francis Mwangangi had been assigned  by Governor Wavinya to sniff around the Department of Health.
Come Friday, and to Yumbya's disbelief, the DG wrote an invitation to all hospital administrators, county medical officers, and medical superintendents for a meeting on Thursday this week. 
The letter was copied to Yumbya and his  three chief officers. The same day, an Acting Chief officer Eng Gregory Nthenge (who has not been vetted by the county assembly) was named at Roads docket to enable medical chief officer Justus Kasivu to concentrate on one job at the ministry of health. He was acting as CO roads.
 On Friday, Yumbya packed his personal effects in cartons in readiness to ship out.
Yumbya presumed that the breach of protocol in the invitations to a meeting in his department was one of the many goofs he had witnessed in the county.
He, together with the COs, arrived early for the meeting.
But as the meeting opened, with Mr Mwangangi making his 'climate setting' remarks, he asked Dr Yumbya and his COs to step out of the meeting.
The meeting immediately went into a daggers- drawn mode and wobbled into the afternoon. 
During this time,Yumbya,  a man who hardly drops fights, told a friend he can not wait to be sacrificed when EACC comes knocking(See attached screen shot).
The DG's bold step to expell the minister, he explained, was to facilitate transparency,  allowing medical practitioners to voice their concerns directly to him.
This unprecedented move was designed, besides unearthing the root causes of the challenges besetting the health department, including malfunctioning mortuaries, a severe lack of medical equipment, insufficient medicine supplies, demoralized staff, and the closure of intensive care units (ICUs), it targeted cutting Dr Yumbya to size by humiliating him infront of a team he never quite listened to. 

The sudden resignation of Dr. Yumbya brings to light deeper systemic issues within the health department. It underscores the need for robust oversight, accountability, and a culture of transparency within the county's administration. Moving forward, it will be crucial for Governor Ndeti and her team to implement stringent measures to prevent such a crisis from recurring and to rebuild trust within the healthcare system.

The county's leadership must prioritize the recruitment of competent and committed professionals to fill the vacated positions and ensure that the health department is equipped with the necessary resources and support. The well-being of Machakos County's residents hinges on the swift and effective resolution of this healthcare crisis.

Thursday 1 August 2024

Yumbya quits Wavinya regime

By The Anchor Writer

Machakos Health Minister Dr Daniel Munyao Yumbya quit his position this afternoon.

            Dr. Yumbya
Yumbya now joins a long list of top government officials who have resigned successively from the 23 month administration. 

His two paragraph letter on a plain paper did not explain why he was jumping ship.
Earlier Yumbya released a statement saying "My name is Daniel Yumbya. I was appointed minister for health in Machakos County in November 2022. I have served with diligence and with ability. However, today I want to say that as the Bible says in Ecclesiastes Chapter three, there is a time for everything. There is a time to cry and a time to laugh. There is a time to come in and a time to leave. (This is the) time to leave the department as the minister for health in Machakos.   I hereby tender my resignation as a chief executive (sic) committee member for health  with effect him from the date of this letter. 
I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for the opportunity you accorded me to serve in your cabinet. I thank you' , he said in remarks directed at governor Wavinya Ndeti. 
However sources say Yumbya is fed up of continous admonition by Governor Wavinya and pressure to defend a department that he has no actual control over. 
See also
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