Thursday 5 January 2012

January 2012: Understanding Devolution in Kenya

Tasks for your
County Government

Functions of County Governments
1. Agriculture, including—
(a) Crop and animal husbandry;
(b) Livestock sale yards;
(c) County abattoirs;
(d) Plant and animal disease control;
and(e) Fisheries.

2. County health services,
including, in particular—
(a) County health facilities and pharmacies;
(b) Am­bu­lance services;
(c) Promotion of primary health care;
(d) Li­censing and con­trol of un­der­takings that sell food to the public;
(e) Vet­eri­nary ser­vices (ex­cluding regu­lation of the Profession);
(f) Cem­eteries, fu­neral parlours and cre­ma­to­ria;
and(g) Refuse re­moval, refuse dumps and solid waste disposal.
3. Con­trol of air pollution,noise pollution,
other public nui­sances and out­door advertising.
4. Cul­tural ac­tivities, pub­lic en­ter­tainment and pub­lic amenities, in­cluding—(a) Betting, casinos and other forms of gambling;
(b) Racing;
(c) Liquor licensing;
(d) Cinemas;
(e) Video shows and hiring;
(f) Libraries;
(g) Museums;
(h) Sports and cul­tural activities and facilities;
and(i) County parks,beaches and rec­re­ation facilities.
5. County trans­port, in­cluding—
(a) County roads;
(b) Street lighting;
(c) Traffic and parking;
(d) Public road transport; and
(e) Ferries and harbours, ex­cluding the regu­lation of international and national shipping and matters related thereto.
6. Animal control and welfare, in­cluding—
(a) Li­censing of dogs; and
(b) Fa­cilities for the accommo­dation, care and burial of animals.
7. Trade de­vel­opment and regu­lation, including—
(a) Markets;
(b) Trade li­cences (ex­cluding regu­lation of professions);
(c) Fair trading practices;
(d) Local tourism; and
(e) Cooperative so­ci­eties.
8. County planning and de­vel­opment, in­cluding—
(a) Statistics;
(b) Land survey and mapping;
(c) Bound­aries and fencing;
(d) Housing; and
(e) Electricity and gas re­ticu­lation and en­ergy regu­lation.
9. Pre-pri­mary edu­cation,
village polytechnics,
homecraft centres and childcare fa­cilities.
0. Imple­men­tation of specific na­tional government policies on natural re­sources and en­vi­ron­men­tal con­ser­vation, in­cluding—
(a) Soil and water con­ser­vation; and
(b) Forestry.
 11. County public works and ser­vices, in­cluding—
(a) Storm water management systems in built-up areas; and
(b) Water and sanitation services.
12. Fire fighting services and di­sas­ter man­agement.
13. Control of drugs and por­nog­ra­phy.
14. En­suring and coordinating the par­tici­pation of commu­nities and locations in gov­er­nance at the local level and assisting commu­nities and locations to develop the ad­min­is­trative capacity for the effective exercise of the functions and powers and par­tici­pation in gov­er­nance at the local level.
Source: Fourth Schedule of the Con­sti­tution of Kenya (Republic of Kenya (RoK, 2010)

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