Friday 10 March 2023

Cholera kills four in Mavoko

By Dennis Mwikya

Four people were today reported killed an a cholera outbreak.
They died in Mavoko Sub-county where 32 other suspected cases were attended to.

Eight of the cases are admitted at Athi-River Level 4 hospital where one of them is in critical condition, according to Machakos County Health Executive Dr Daniel Yumbya.

"From the 6th of March 2023 todate, Mavoko Sub-county attended to a total of 32 suspected cases of which 12 samples were collected for laboratory confirmation. Out of these cases 4 deaths have occurred with 3 cases availing themselves for treatment in critical condition,"said Mr Yumbya in a brief status report.
The incident is the latest in waves of cholera outbreaks that have hit Mavoko since October,2022.
During the month of December 2022 to Mid-February 2023, no new cases had been reported and because twice the number of incubation period had elapsed it was assumed to be controlled Dr Yumbya added
"From the 23rd February 2023, Kajiado county reported to have treated 9 suspected cases from Mavoko of which 4 cases were confirmed positive via rapid test kits" , he added
The County subsequently informed Mavoko Sub-county which activated rapid response team to carry out contact tracing of the confirmed cases and continuous community engagement and social mobilization targeting community members to ensure they upheld good hygiene practices, said Mr Yumbya.
The cases reported within Mlolongo,Jua Kali,Kwa Mang'eli,Kanaani,KMC and Sokoni areas of Athi River are associated with consumption of food at local eateries.
"The mentioned areas have low sanitation environment and are being targeted to identify what could be the source of the infection,"the County Health Executive said.
Among the response activities carried out include; delivery 1600 water treatment tabs to be given to the communities in the identified areas and 45 kilos of powder chlorine to carry out disinfection in all public toilets and shared facilities.

Sensitization of the community on cholera through Barazas and by use of public address system, contact tracing and water sampling of public water sources is also being enforced.

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